Example sentences of "wo [not/n't] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 You push them , pull them , even plead with them — still they wo n't go the way you want .
2 That hand of mine wo n't go the right shape although I 've tried , I knew it would deform joints and so I put all my efforts into spreading them the opposite way , but I have n't won on that one , can you see ?
3 Wo n't go the long way round , a short circuit .
4 Fergie , defending PFA Footballer of the Year Pallister , said : ‘ Gary wo n't ignore the criticism because it does hurt .
5 We may climb hills , but wo n't tax a beginner
6 If you do n't , you wo n't remain an officer cadet for long . "
7 Cottee believes that Shearer wo n't remain the highest-priced player for long .
8 All they have to do is drill there well he wo n't do no drilling
9 I , I wo n't put no petrol in the vehicle then and I wo n't do no drinking .
10 they wo n't do a thing for the children in their old blind school because R B E A have got so much money we do n't put our
11 The Government ought to take care of them , it 's the least they could do … but as long as there 's eejits like me to fork out a bob or two , the authorities wo n't do a thing . ’
12 ‘ Unless you give them paan , cigarettes and seven days ’ notice , they wo n't do a thing . ’
13 £5m+ ? ? ? ( my poxy US spec SPARCstation wo n't do a pound sign )
14 Occasionally as Mary describes , our panels ’ tempers are severely tested by fishkeepers who ca n't or wo n't do the basic background reading for themselves .
15 The added documentation which bureaux might need to comply with such a requirement in this country could be costly , and the requirement seems to carry little practical value : if a credit granter suddenly gets information relating to an inquiry made some months earlier , which is almost certainly no longer active , it wo n't do the consumer any good .
16 ‘ Breakspear wo n't do the senator 's cruise , ’ he said , ‘ so you 'll lose that money , but if you work one night a week for me then you 'll earn just as much anyway .
17 Benichou likes to use his head if the fists wo n't do the job for him , and the atmosphere is definitely hostile down here in the South of France — but Scouser Hoko is totally unmoved .
18 Who is to say Norway wo n't do the same ?
19 And we can easily see that an external contingent relation , no matter how regular a contingent relation it is , wo n't do the trick .
20 But even as he at last turned and , more like a conjurer than ever , whipped the cloth from the object on the table , which turned out to be a saucepan containing water scooped from the shattered font , the first heavy drops began to drum on the altar table ; and while the Padre was saying : " Hope Mary Ellen , I baptize thee In the name of the Father and of the Son , and of the Holy Ghost , Amen , " the Collector , forgetting that he had only just renounced an interest in the vain pomp and glory of the world , thought crossly : " That wo n't do the Louis XVI table any good at all . "
21 I wo n't do the smallest good thing for humanity .
22 The rest wo n't do the arm any harm either . ’
23 It wo n't do the skin any harm particularly , but it can smart .
24 Now you rea fo w with a story like this you really need a erm a , a decent does of antibiotics and given the of the unpleasant taste and the pus you can see , ordinary penicillin probably wo n't do the trick , so we need to use something with a bit more oomph
25 Oh yes , there were n't no argument about that , if they did n't they wo n't do the bloody work .
26 It wo n't do the public any harm to think we care about them , but I 'm not used to being watched . ’
27 Erm he come in about that so we wrote a letter saying that I wo n't do the job for ninety pound , but I 'll stick to the original
28 How do I get the honest answer and that is another matter , I , I , I 'll find out what they say , but er I suspect that they will erm not be doing an awful lot , I suspect they 'll pretend , er that they will erm be helpful , and then they wo n't do an awful lot ,
29 If you 've got a past paper , it wo n't do an awful lot of good .
30 The salmon wo n't hold a minute more for me and fish takes two forks and he 's a busy man …
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