Example sentences of "herself [adv] to the " in BNC.

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1 She entered her life 's work full of joy at being allowed to give herself wholly to the Lord 's service . "
2 After Brunnhilde throws herself on to the pyre Valhalla comes to an end , to be replaced by a new era of human love .
3 The 63-year-old woman , named only as Christel R , threw herself on to the spinning blade at Beverungen , Germany .
4 Hussa arrived with her mother and while Shama eased herself on to the carpet and settled against a cushion , Hussa picked up one of the newspapers which a driver brought from the village each morning .
5 It was either that or dump herself on to the perch in a heap , having given up the struggle , and she was much too graceful and proud to let something as undignified as that happen .
6 A silence fell on the room , and its increasing heaviness made her heave herself up from the couch and take the three steps to throw herself on to the seat beside him ; and to put an arm around his shoulder and say , ‘ Come on , lad , come on .
7 Aggie pointed to the seat at the front of the cart , and immediately Millie had done so , she gripped the iron frame of the seat , heaved herself on to the first step , then , almost with a lunge , on to the seat ; but this time she did n't say , as she usually did , ‘ I 'm past this ; I 'll sit on the back in future and you 'll take him , ’ but she jerked the reins and put the pony into a trot .
8 Sobbing for breath , she lowered herself on to the ladder .
9 And finally as she hauled herself on to the ice-slick rock where the sun pulsed fire into her eyes , she saw
10 Léonie lowered herself on to the chair beside the bed , her magazine on her lap .
11 Then she threw herself on to the bed and stuck the pillow over her head , biting her teeth together , absolutely determined not to cry .
12 Alexandra dug her toes into fissures in the canyon wall and pulled herself on to the platform which was dry and flat and sloped slightly towards the sea .
13 But the corridor remained silent , and with a sob of despair she threw herself on to the bed and cried till her store of tears was used up .
14 Jamie 's prophetic words floated back to her and she flung herself on to the bed , staring at nothing , her body rigid with the tension of a woman in the grip of violent , unsated desire .
15 I did n't want her to give herself over to the view of life that underlay all this , the philosophy that pinned her to the shadow-corners of the world .
16 While the others stood and gawped , she had already pushed herself over to the storage lockers and was busy tossing the flimsy emergency spacesuits over .
17 Rosa flung herself over to the other side of the bed .
18 In these matters Emilia Frere knew more than she , for the woman had crossed the threshold of the married state ; she had delivered herself over to the meeting of the flesh as Louisa had not been called upon to do ; she had experienced what the uninitiate could only surmise .
19 Heedless of the rough dirt floor , Isabel dragged herself over to the fire and crouched beside it , crying with mingled fright and relief .
20 She entered the kitchen and took herself over to the knife rack above the Aga .
21 She was n't good at being silly , but she gave herself over to the moment .
22 Why not give herself over to the silliness of it , instead of feeling distress ?
23 She had spurned the hypocritical cant beloved of politicians and addressed herself directly to the people , showing how well she knew them , telling them what they whispered in their hearts but dared not speak , calling their bluff !
24 Lydia put a mug of tea in front of her master and then took herself off to the dairy , where she and Martha unashamedly listened at the door .
25 She could have taken herself off to the local Italian with her child and a book of her own , for Kate also likes reading though her tastes are less morbific .
26 She took herself off to the library , read all she could , and ordered a set of language tapes .
27 She took herself off to the bathroom , carefully locking both doors before shedding her clothes .
28 She took herself off to the kitchen , saw with some incredulity from the kitchen clock that it was four o'clock — and shut herself in .
29 She had to commit herself totally to the therapy , while looking after two young children .
30 She had given herself totally to the frighteningly wonderful feelings he aroused in her .
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