Example sentences of "right to be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In a recent MORI poll , commissioned by a group of unions , 89 per cent of those canvassed thought employees should have the right to be represented by a union .
2 We have a right to be represented in a women 's magazine that 's fighting for equal representation .
3 More than 100 porters who help carry the luggage of VIP passengers at Heathrow airport were sacked after going on strike demanding the right to be represented by a union .
4 Music , Karajan argued , has every right to be played as accurately and beautifully as Possible .
5 At the Annual General Meeting of the Lord Lieutenants ' Association — surely Britain 's most exclusive trade union — there is much discussion of such knotty questions as whether the pushy chairman of the local district council has , as he insists he has , the right to be presented to the Queen before the laid-back leader of the county council .
6 I have become convinced that our whole approach is hopelessly unscientific , in fact wrong , and particularly that my own reconstruction is so fundamentally flawed that we really do n't have the right to be displaying it anywhere except in a Disneyland type of amusement park . ’
7 And do we not all have the same right to be saved ?
8 Some , for example , would argue that if the well -established indigenous white population are taught in their mother tongue , English , those originating from the New Commonwealth deserve a similar right to be taught in their mother tongue — Urdu , Punjabi , Bengali and so on .
9 The other irritant was the discovery by hundreds of English-speaking Quebeckers , who had courageously chosen to send their children to schools where the teaching is in French , that they had thereby deprived their grandchildren of the right to be taught in English if they wished .
10 It is a fact of life and a right to be defended .
11 In addition , mentally handicapped people have a right to expect people to understand them and accept them within the society of which they are a part ; a right to be born and a right to live .
12 as almost all classes in Muslim society have been oppressed by the colonialists , all classes have the right to be called ‘ proletarians ’ …
13 As Bishop Thomas Brinton of Rochester said when preaching at the time of the Black Prince 's death in the summer of 1376 , it was part of a knight 's duty to help his king in time of war ; failure to do so meant loss of the right to be called a knight , which was both a sign of honour and a mark of responsibility which had to be lived up to .
14 One thing that the Opposition are certain about is that those who earn more than £20,000 have every right to be called upon to pay the extra 9 per cent .
15 If they had , they could view relief as a right to be called upon when necessary .
16 Homosexuals have as much right to be understood , to be treated with compassionate love as the rest of us .
17 She stood still , feeling scared , and then , when Hepzibah appeared at the top of the stairs , ashamed too , as if she had no right to be listening .
18 All viewers residing in areas which are cabled have a right to be connected free of charge to a service which provides them with a minimum of public channels , a local channel , an educational channel and a community channel with a studio which is available to citizens and associations .
19 This was to stake a large claim to moral originality , and it is a work that has earned the right to be revered and detested .
20 Because it was destroying her , these violent swings from high to low , the arousing of needs that had no right to be fulfilled .
21 Well in the last 2 days Firmin and Antonio have been getting more and more hostile ( which is n't hard to do given how Charlie and Matt are currently feeling about one another ) and you could really sense the Indians getting involved , following it all from their part of the raft as if their lives depended on it — which in a way they did I suppose because we were arguing about whether they had the right to be baptised and have their souls saved or not .
22 Even here , however , status still reared its head , for Louis XIV clearly thought it derogated from his dignity as a ruler by divine right to be referred to in the final treaty in the same terms as William III , the mere constitutional king of a parliamentary state .
23 The Municipal Corporations Act 1835 specifically excluded all women from the local borough franchise , but single women continued to enjoy the vote and even the right to be elected in many parishes and important local bodies , such as the Poor Law Guardians , associated with them ( Hollis 1987 ) .
24 The question before the Court was whether the members had a discretion to take into account that the flags of convenience policies of these two countries negated an important interest in maritime safety , or whether the eight States with the largest registered tonnage of shipping had a treaty right to be elected .
25 The short answer to that is I think that she had not forfeited her right to be maintained by her husband by being in desertion : she had only suspended her right and not destroyed it .
26 The champions of England and Scotland , the ‘ auld enemy ’ , were fighting for the right to be acknowledged as champions of Britain .
27 These were that interrogation rooms in police holding centres should be monitored by silent , closed-circuit television and that a prisoner should be given the right to be visited by a solicitor every forty-eight hours until either released or charged .
28 The right to be visited by a solicitor after each forty-eight hours is also less satisfactory than might seem even if there were no question of the probable presence of a policeman .
29 It is the consideration for a separate supply which is taxable — unless the right to be exercised by the tenant is the making of an exempt supply , in which case the reimbursement will be exempt .
30 ‘ all babies have the right to be fed and cared for , except where there is an incurable deformity and where the baby would suffer pain and distress if feeding were attempted . ’
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