Example sentences of "need [prep] [noun] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 A number of these things that I have already raised this morning are perhaps are , er primary phase issues rather than secondary but we must remember that the pressures on secondary schools continue as in the primary phase and finally another concern which you are all very well aware of and which particularly if you 're governors you will have drawn to your attention constantly is erm the continuing concern about our educational building stock both in terms of its adequacy as regards the size and the capacity of the accommodation at , where some schools are concerned its need for repair and maintenance work and its need for adaptation to meet the new demands of the curriculum .
2 The illusion of an automatic tabula rasa also undermines the need for society to reflect on the consciousness that evolved under the conditions of the past 40 years .
3 This prospect has led to a retrenchment in state pension provision and an emphasis on informal caring systems , two attempts to reduce the need for society to foot the bill of its ageing population .
4 Since communism as well as ‘ socialism ’ has been forever assigned to history 's dustbin , there appears no pressing need for society to come to terms with just what that system was or how it continues to manifest itself .
5 By bidding for half rather than all of LIN there should be no need for McCaw to seek additional funding from BT since its cash resources and existing lines of credit should cover the cost .
6 It emphasizes the need for marketers to analyze the satisfactions being sought by individuals through their purchase and consumption patterns , and to gain a clear understanding of individual purchase motivations .
7 The Middle East International of Nov. 23 reported that during an address to the Knesset foreign affairs and defence committee on Nov. 19 , Shamir had specifically linked the territories with the need for space to absorb immigrants from the Soviet Union .
8 De Gaulle 's known views — fashioned by his interpretation of the collapse of France in 1940 and his resentment over the refusal of Britain and the United States to treat him as an equal in prosecuting the war effort , on the failings of the Fourth Republic , on reforming NATO , on the need for France to acquire greater international prestige , along with his ambition to affect a lasting reconciliation between France and West Germany ( ideally on French terms ) — all influenced his decision to terminate the Maudling Committee negotiations , and all were still influential in his rejection a few years later of the British application to enter the EEC .
9 Furthermore , at a time of heart-searching following the commercial difficulties of the Anglo-French Concorde project , and with de Gaulle no longer in power , the French space science community had difficulty in persuading the politicians of the need for France to go it alone in space .
10 Perhaps it was the need for stability to offset the ‘ Whads ’ sterility but , remarkably , Homstat remained with the club until 1968 .
11 Perhaps in one or two places the Trust was too assiduous in its clearance operations , but by 1990 the need for restraint to avoid unnecessary ecological damage was well recognised .
12 ‘ We 've called our campaign off as a quid pro quo for their accepting the need for legislation to control the conservation of energy . ’
13 The one and only good thing that fluoridation has done is to provide an illustration of the urgent need for legislation to prevent the use of public money , the machinery of government , and the time of public servants for promoting private interests at the public 's expense .
14 Neither in the production of variations nor in the elimination of disadvantageous variations is there any reference to an ‘ end ’ of producing ‘ fit ’ or successful species : the probability of variations occurring , or of a particular variation occurring , is independent of the need for change to produce a better ‘ fit ’ between organism and environment , or of that variation being successful .
15 Familiarisation of all health care workers with changes in policy and the background of research and development and aims of policy would eliminate some of the frustrations and create a more supportive environment for Health Care Workers who are involved in implementing new policies acknowledging the need for change to meet the new challenges .
16 There was a sudden communal intake of breath from the audience , and clearly no need for Morse to spell things out further .
17 But the need for solitude to pull herself together was too imperative .
18 The ‘ Great Debate ’ about education had been underway for some time and though it was clear that the curriculum was in need of change , it was less clear how much change should take place at Hinde House , bearing in mind the need for teachers to have ownership of curriculum delivery if higher standards and a wide range of learning experiences were to permeate the whole curriculum rather than making a series of peripheral and ephemeral alterations to an already redundant approach .
19 The need for teachers to have ‘ appropriate personal qualities ’ is reiterated in Better Schools since , it is argued , ‘ the personality of the teacher and his relationships with pupils ’ promote high standards .
20 However , he insists on the pressing need for government to improve social welfare provision .
21 Some bishops , notably Jenkins of Durham , Sheppard of Liverpool , and Hapgood of York , have spoken out about deprivation in the inner cities , the miners ' strike , and the need for government to show a greater compassion for , and understanding of , the poor .
22 As already noted , the attraction of monetarism for the new Conservative leadership by 1979 was that it promised a method of controlling inflation by means , as it were , of an automatic pilot ; there would be no need for government to compromise its authority with producer groups .
23 The Widdicombe Committee 's response ( 1986 , ch. 6 ) to these developments was firmly to assert the need for officers to remain neutral and to serve the council collectively .
24 Other recommendations include the need for policies to speed up the exploitation of renewable energy technologies ( such as wind , wave , solar and geothermal power ) which do not Produce carbon dioxide , the most important greenhouse gas .
25 The high prevalence of resistance in our study highlights the need for policies to restrict the use of antibiotics to limit the spread of resistant strains and hence preserve the effectiveness of antibiotics in treating acne .
26 Although development of scheduled air services from Eindhoven has reduced the need for Philair to transport relatively large numbers of employees on short sectors , it is still able to achieve its objectives by saving time , giving a quality service , providing a flexibility of movement , and offering its customers a personal service not easily achieved on public transport .
27 It came into being to respond to two needs , a scientific need for machines more powerful than could be afforded by any single nation in a Europe devastated by the second world war , and the political need for institutions to unite that fragmented continent .
28 Once they become available , SQL queries from multiple sources will be able to take advantage of parallelism without the need for users to re-design their applications .
29 Second , there is the need for users to have the right kind of workstation in order to enjoy the benefits of the multimedia elements .
30 Significant developments are taking place in the use of software , such as WAIS and GOPHER , to enable users to search multiple catalogues of holdings thus avoiding the need for users to have a knowledge of where particular datasets might be held .
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