Example sentences of "especially in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He was trying to pick her up , of course , but any Wren new to the flotilla must expect to be fair game , she acknowledged , especially in a base so isolated , where women were outnumbered by fifty to one .
2 But he could be the victim of tactical voting , especially in a constituency where there were many complaints about the poll tax .
3 ‘ Establishing a level of confidence is quite important when you are trying to start a new business ’ — especially in a sector like aerospace .
4 Notes on a topic by themselves are only of minor value unless they are backed up by wider statements , especially in a subject where there are controversies and differences of opinion .
5 However , he warns that competition , especially in a recession , can cloud a company judgement .
6 The idea of an idyllic countryside is a myth , especially in a recession .
7 Staff will also benefit since the new garments should be more comfortable and practical than the current version , especially in a DIY environment .
8 Any unexpected impairment of use of the injured part , such as being unable to weight-bear on an injured leg or limited and painful use of a wrist after a fall , especially in a child .
9 Asthma can be a very frightening condition , especially in a child .
10 Especially in a village like Markham cum Cumbermound with nothing to do for kids in the evening . ’
11 Still , people often do it without thinking , especially in a fight when everyone falls over and starts rolling about on the ground .
12 An assignment can be used to assess cognitive competence , especially in a problem solving context .
13 Especially in a dress as sexy as that ! ’
14 Especially in a case like this . ’
15 Nor could the academic organization of the schools remain as rudimentary as it had been : communication and management would not just ‘ happen ’ in schools of a thousand pupils or more , and the stream of curriculum innovation needed to be carefully channelled — especially in a system where each school enjoyed considerable freedom in choosing patterns of study and teaching methods .
16 It takes a lot of doing you know , to grow some good flowers , some good fruit , some good vegetables , especially in a year when water 's been so short .
17 Since rural development here is a major aim of government policy , such research is an essential prerequisite to the formulation of efficient management programmes : clearly , long-term development of this kind is only sustainable if the soil resource is adequate , especially in a country that already has a widespread soil erosion problem .
18 It takes money to run successful programmes , especially in a country like the U.S. where the distances between major cities are so large .
19 Does the Secretary of State imagine that such figures could have been given to any other Parliament in the European Community — especially in a country that had enjoyed a North sea oil bonanza over the years ?
20 So dollars , especially in a bank account outside Russia , is mighty appealing .
21 Old memories die hard , especially in a town like Tromsø which was home to a large contingent of the German navy .
22 ‘ I happened to be in the area and Lucasta Redburn 's not a common name , especially in a town the size of Plumford . ’
23 She just thought that people were remarkably ill-advised in not coming to offer her love and devotion , especially in a town that had residents as diverse as Lord Olivier and Dame Flora Robson — and Dora Bryan .
24 Wood treated with polyurethane to withstand spills and grease can look very handsome , especially in a dining kitchen , and old floors can be spruced up with paint , various painted finishes and stencilling , protected with extra coats of varnish .
25 He 'd soon find out that selling Rocky ( especially in a deal with Stewart ) is not a popular move … and why was n't he even on the bench ?
26 Cos if anything happens to that child especially in a fire situation you are liable to criminal er tt etcetera .
27 Although the two external pockets are perfectly adequate , the absence of an internal pocket is noticeable , especially in a fashion garment when it 's preferable to keep wallet , chequebook and bank cards inside .
28 A phrase used as a heading in heavy ( bold ) type , especially in a dictionary .
29 I do n't expect you to get everything right , but to describe the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception as coming from a ‘ literal translation ’ of a controversial biblical passage ’ is enough to make me chuckle — especially in a piece headed ‘ Fundamentalism — The
30 Thus , especially in a time of unsettled orthography , it is extremely likely that current sound-changes will be admitted into writing , whatever the historical origins of the writing conventions may be .
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