Example sentences of "especially [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Pizzicato playing injects rhythmic lightness and clarity and this is useful especially for music in a modern dance-like or folk idiom .
2 The crown alone still had the power to compel military service , especially for defence against invasion .
3 The headings of the sections and the linking passages were created especially for inclusion in this selection , but the spellings and names are those used in the original extracts .
4 Norway banned all tobacco advertising in 1975 , with excellent results , especially for prevalence of smoking among teenagers .
5 This pattern holds for nitrate , which accounts for most of the nitrogen in the bay , and especially for nitrogen from ammonia , which , though a small part of the total , is far more prevalent in rainwater than in run-off .
6 Crown woods in the Forest of Dean acquired new importance as a profitable source of wood and timber , especially for sale to the ironworks .
7 The Kromaton is a countercurrent chromatograph developed by SEAB especially for use in pharmaceutical laboratories .
8 C. On some granite batholiths the granite rock is quarried for building stones , especially for use in sea defences , docks , stone bridges and monuments .
9 They are very economical and remain a viable buy because of their extreme portability , especially for use in the car , where CDs — with their wider dynamic range — have little advantage .
10 The compost supplied especially for use in modules is best , as it can be compacted firmly ; this makes for blocks which remain in one piece when pressed out of their cells for transplanting .
11 You could say , in a letter , that you strongly support the creation of a route for walkers and cyclists from Bloomiehall Park to Muirwood Road , especially for use by children to get to school , and that to overcome the present impasse , it might be a good idea to use a Compulsory Purchase Order to acquire the land needed .
12 Now available in a formula especially for use around the eyes , £27.50 for 60 capsules .
13 Later , play-group and school greatly extend the range of influences , especially through exposure to a wide range of planned and spontaneous social interactions with peers .
14 We need to remember that the implicit curriculum works especially through style of teaching .
15 Trichlorethylene and tetrachlorethylene used in dry cleaning and degreasing also pose threats to health , especially through contamination of groundwater , and have been detected in tapwater .
16 The long period of domination by municipal socialism is said to have produced a dependence on the local authority , especially through provision of council housing .
17 However , a pilot study has shown that if the available data is collected and sorted by computer , enough survives to enable something of the overall pattern to emerge , especially through comparison with the much more plentiful English data .
18 In some patients , EADs can be recorded from the right or left ventricular endocardium , especially after provocation with intravenous adrenaline .
19 It is an incoherence , as we have seen earlier , not only in design but especially of receipt by the pupil .
20 little research has been carried out on consistency of performance on similar test material , especially of mathematics in context .
21 The final wide-ranging orientation , as obvious as any , and especially of course in Gaudium et Spes ( the Council 's final major document and by far the longest ) , is the concern with secular human values , with justice and peace .
22 We have consistently observed that rigorous purification , especially of TFIIIB from mammalian cells , is accompanied by a considerable loss of activity .
23 Shift work could clash with farm work especially with attendance at sales .
24 In many series , smoking and/or alcohol has been associated with gastric cancer , and especially with cancer of the cardia .
25 Other writers have concluded differently , especially with reference to engineering , building , shipbuilding , and printing .
26 While this contributes to crime prevention , especially with respect to joy-riders who steal and drive cars at speed at might ( which requires neighbourhood men in West Belfast to work might duty ) , it has none of the wider community service functions evident in Easton .
27 He stated that , ‘ it was not well for a Government succeeding to power to reverse without very good reasons the decisions of their predecessors , especially with respect to matters of art and the construction of public buildings ’ .
28 There is a need for a more vigorous competition policy both in manufacturing industry and services but especially with respect to public sector monopolies , and for a change in fiscal policy to remove the artificial incentives which companies now have to retain earnings .
29 Yet they have only touched the tip of the iceberg , especially with respect to old people in their own homes or private care .
30 Alternative cladograms based on various analyses of ribosomal RNA are available and while sharing features in common , differ in other respects , especially with respect to protostome relationships .
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