Example sentences of "saying that [pron] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 What is involved in saying that something exists in its own right , while something else does not ?
2 This sems to be saying that what destroys the Goddess is the Goddess .
3 Many people discount the value of statistical analysis by saying that what matters is quality , not quantity .
4 Wittgenstein avoids both mentalism and behaviourism by saying that what matters for an understanding of psychological verbs is not anything phenomenal — either inner or outer — but their use .
5 All of which is a roundabout way of saying that what matters in this world is asking the right questions , rather than knowing the right answers .
6 I 'm not saying that nothing belongs any more — like those pictures , this . ’
7 A declaration should be enclosed for the Charity Trustee to sign saying that s/he has read the constitution , understands her/his responsibilities and that s/he is not disqualified from acting as a Charity Trustee .
8 It goes without saying that everything depends on the nature of the piece of music to be scored .
9 One may deal briefly with Molla Arab 's supposed first period of office as Mufti , simply saying that there appears to be no more evidence for it than for the rest of Katib Celebi 's construction of the facts concerning the history of the office in the early years , which is not , however , to say that the statement ( or the construction , for that matter ) may be dismissed entirely ( cf. below , n. 166 , for example ) .
10 ‘ Now we 're saying that there has to be a complete ban on overtime and that they should resist moral blackmail . ’
11 Now , am I right in saying that there has been some controversy in the past about hormone replace , let's call it H R T , it 's shorter , that er that not everyone 's convinced it 's it 's it 's a good idea , that there are maybe some negative side effects .
12 If not , is he saying that there has been a decline in other forms of homelessness ?
13 I am not saying that there has not been considerable support for it , and he can report that to the House .
14 what she 'd collected by saying that she has n't really gone to any
15 I 'm not saying that she winds Daddy round her little finger , she does not .
16 Perhaps the charge that attitudinism makes ethics peculiarly irrational is merely a way of saying that it denies that there is such a thing as objective ethical truth .
17 Santa Cruz Operation Inc , Santa Cruz , California has now filed for its initial public offering , saying that it plans to sell 4.3m shares , and will use the proceeds for working capital .
18 I received a few not so long ago complaining about this place , saying that it does not speak of God ; that it is a monument to a man-made religion ; that it ought to be pulled down and a block of flats built here instead , and the money spent on missionary work abroad .
19 USL , however , is talking very much in those terms , saying that it does believe there is AT&T code within the BSDI product , and that it will protect its proprietary rights in all cases .
20 We think there is very strong ground for saying that it does , and that by recognising both potential criminal origins in section 211 and then by channelling all judicial review applications together by section 21K under Order 53 , the legislature was providing for all .
21 Is he aware that the Institute of Housing has recently reported that it does not believe that competitive tendering in housing management is a sensible option , saying that it does ’ not easily lend itself to competitive tendering ’ ?
22 I meant who was it that was saying that it does n't matter ?
23 He has found several different types of Anomalocaris ; from studying the whole lot , he thinks he can make a case for saying that it belongs with the arthropods , not out on its own .
24 So what , what , what could it am I right in saying that it 's related to the , the work that you 're doing is related to the particular circumstances the particular problems that people living in flats have had ?
25 Well yes , yes in terms it sounds mos most confusing compared with a straightforward business world but if , if , if the campaign are saying that it 's got to be this way for legal reasons they 're not prepared to accept it .
26 We 're simply saying that it 's not been demonstrated that regeneration of West Yorkshire 's been taken into account .
27 and explain the situation and the court said oh well we 'll take it to the magistrate 's then , then he had a letter two weeks later saying that it 's been thrown out again , they have n't got a case cos she were in the wrong , she 's never , ever have gone
28 Pascal goes some way towards this recognition when he observes : ‘ I see , in truth , that the same words are applied on the same occasions , and that every time two men see a body change its place , they both express their view of this same fact by the same word , both saying that it has moved ; and from this conformity of application we derive a strong conviction of a conformity of ideas .
29 I become aware when parts of my body become tense and , more importantly , I know now how to ‘ relax ’ them , and when my body is saying that it has had enough I am able to leave things till tomorrow instead of insisting that they have to be done today .
30 This is just another way of saying that it has 3ml of alcohol in every 100ml .
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