Example sentences of "saying that you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Then he continued , ‘ I also remember you saying that you believed you would probably never marry again . ’
2 Except she was saying that you 'd actually offered her the job . ’
3 you you talk er you know , when you were saying that you 'd erm you 'd sold an endless succession of of things , wh wh when you bought things , er you know when when you were married , it was there always that element in it that it was here for a just
4 Head : ‘ Are we saying that you get more personal satisfaction out of your political than professional life ? ’
5 ‘ The man is saying that you keep the noise down , and I am saying that you do what the man says . ’
6 You 're saying that you came here to help me , but why would you do that ?
7 Erm unless you 've got a doctor 's note saying that you 've passed the medical , they wo n't allow you to actually go on the activity holiday .
8 And since nineteen eighty two , am I right in saying that you 've worked at the law centre in ?
9 Am I right in saying that you 've also been very you 've also changed with the times as well , and adjusted
10 ‘ You 're saying that you 've not seen him since I half carried him out of your place early yesterday ? ’
11 Couple of days later a little note comes in the post saying that you 've just paid the National West National Bank Bank of Scotland twenty three pounds thirty and it 's absolutely brilliant !
12 So what they 're now saying that you 've got
13 That is , people tend to forget either in a motivated way , or accidentally , people will tend to minimise or trivialise the abuse to which they 've been subject in some cases because maybe saying that you 've been sexually abused as a child and that is why you 're so screwed up at the moment um that 's not necessarily a very self-benefiting thing to say .
14 Alan me for me , mathematical but I accept what you 're saying that you mean numerical for most of that alphabetical as as opposed
15 I do n't mean art should be as clear as the instructions on a packet of seeds ; I 'm saying that you trust the mystifier more if you know he 's deliberately choosing not to be lucid .
16 Do n't clench your fists tensely , or get so enthusiastic about what you are saying that you wave your arms about and knock over the wine .
17 And that illustrates what I meant by saying that you need quite complex systems .
18 It goes without saying that you start with the bottom step , to prevent the concrete falling through to the one below .
19 Well you 're , you 're saying that you build up information about so you 're actually writing that information on these
20 ‘ You are saying that you did not see your brother alive again after the meal you had together yesterday evening .
21 This guy just said , ‘ I can bring it here first thing in the morning in a carrier bag , and do n't be clever by saying that you do n't want it . ’
22 ‘ The man is saying that you keep the noise down , and I am saying that you do what the man says . ’
23 Which is shorthand for saying that you do n't have to cheat very much .
24 Now if you like you can sign all it says is erm it just it 's just telling you what it is and saying that you do n't mind them typing up the words form this .
25 We 're not saying that you do n't like that .
26 And they were saying that you do n't give , the local erm MP was saying you know people just give their kids up and walk away .
27 It means saying that you want your organs to be used for transplantation after your death to help others .
28 Am I right in saying that you see erm the problems of areas such as this as being extremely urgent something done now ?
29 Feelings of guilt are really about a sense of unentitlement ; in thinking that your desires and feelings are wrong or ‘ silly ’ you are also saying that you feel you are wrong or silly , and not entitled to be taken seriously , or helped .
30 ‘ Are you saying that you feel threatened ? ’
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