Example sentences of "minutes [subord] he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 with his permission he thought it was funny he saw the funny side of it as well , but they had this big argument for five minutes cos he thought what he 'd done was right and he said Jesus , I 've been using this for three years for the training in the branch er it makes you wonder does n't it erm but if you 're gon na do practical applications you 've got ta give people relevant examples perhaps you start off basics with an example that is correct and then you start building on that do n't you then you start giving them the deviations and all this sort of stuff .
2 Not so , says Sir Patrick — he would n't last five minutes if he did .
3 Now er on the air at five o'clock mister Tim with drive at five and the early evening sequence , and we 're gon na chat to him in the next thirty minutes because he 's been out shopping today and he 's spent quite a lot of money on some brand new clothes .
4 It was almost thirty minutes since he 'd made the phone call , stopping off quickly at a payphone before swinging the car off the main road and into Paddington Recreation Ground .
5 A few extra minutes while he went up for his loser 's medal would n't have made much difference .
6 If it was , I reckoned I had a few minutes while he walked back there .
7 He had asked the driver to wait two minutes whilst he saw whether or not I was through customs and in the foyer .
8 It seemed incredible to Tug that only five minutes before he had been calling her Ma and they had been grinning at each other .
9 It was several minutes before he had found the courage to ask her how she had got to the beach .
10 She did n't remember that only minutes before he had accused her of being another man 's discarded woman .
11 Even so , it was some three or four minutes before he passed through .
12 Edward , given a private room , discovered the problem first hand : it took twenty minutes before he raised the operator , and another ten before he was talking to Flight Lieutenant Benson .
13 I guessed I had no more than four minutes before he got back to base , so I began to count on the old one-and-one , two-and-two , and so on principle in order to concentrate on the job in hand without looking at my watch .
14 It was five minutes before he saw what he wanted .
15 The young striker was on the pitch for just five minutes before he made his mark .
16 He realised they had been watching for some minutes before he noticed them .
17 It was ten minutes before he followed her , finding her in the kitchen apparently listening to a mid-Saturday morning news flash on the radio there with blank-eyed concentration .
18 It was forty-five minutes before he returned .
19 Gentle called Klein from the airport , minutes before he caught his flight .
20 It was five minutes before he stopped yelling , before he started to absorb the terrible pain that burnt through his flesh .
21 SHE took a short cut across the fairway from her £1,000-a-week rented house backing on to the Wentworth course in Surrey minutes before HE arrived to head a charity tournament .
22 Then you had to sit there and the sergeant would say , ‘ Fall in , ’ and you 'd fall into line , ‘ Section correct , sir , ’ and he might be another ten minutes before he decided to say , ‘ Dismiss ! ’ and by then you 'd lost an hour .
23 The images that go through Alfred Hayley 's mind in the minutes before he dies follow similar patterns , but in all three cases the discursive deviation is localized and explained within the novel as a product of the suspension of reason .
24 He informs his head of security only a few minutes before he wants to go somewhere , not trusting even him .
25 ‘ It was two or three minutes before he collapsed .
26 It was twenty minutes before he terminated the interview .
27 It was a full two minutes before he pushed firmly into her and felt her envelop him , felt her bury her face in his shoulder , heard her gasp , a little pain , unused to him being there , then the gush of warmth , love and pleasure .
28 For a few minutes after he came in , the rats were quiet .
29 Captain Crowe looked likely to be the last man to leave the ship but DeFreitas scuttled him eight minutes after he reached a courageous fifty with yet another which left the bat .
30 Ninety minutes after he landed with an entourage of 38 , a larger party of 60 officials and ministers flew in .
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