Example sentences of "turned to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly the ground fell away before them and they came out on an open plateau with a floor of chequered marble , white on black , and a wide stone staircase with balustrades running down to the dried bed of an ornamental lake , which the mist turned to a bowl of milk .
2 JOHN Calton was a highly trained paratrooper who turned to a life of crime when he left the Army .
3 His mouth met hers and her shocked little gasp turned to a moan of hunger as she closed her eyes and kissed him at last , at last , and the brandy glass fell from her hands , shattering at their feet as her arms went around his neck , her mouth opening hungrily beneath his , her hands in his black hair , her body pressing against his as they clung together with intolerable necessity , unaware of the fragments of glass they trampled as Damian pressed her tighter , tighter until there was not an inch between their bodies .
4 Later , he turned to a variety of topics within logic and philosophy : modal and many-valued logic ; the logic of entailment and of questions ; the paradoxes ; the Polish school of reism ; action theory ; ontology ; and intentionality .
5 He opened the throttle as he turned left into Station Road The burble of the exhaust turned to a bellow as he raced down the long gentle slope towards Newtown .
6 But the Executioner 's attack scream turned to a shriek of agony , as Angel One seized his chance and launched his own surprise counter .
7 After a while the conversation turned to a friend 's plans to marry an American girl .
8 He turned to a door at the end of the room .
9 One man a few yards ahead of Dexter turned to a colleague and muttered , ‘ Bonking in the viewing room , eh ? ’ with a smutty chuckle .
10 The men chortled lewdly , as Estelle conjured up a trickle of pee that turned to a stream , and splashed into the tumbler like a miniature Niagara .
11 She turned to a glass case that held a number of boxes , and after a moment she said , ‘ No , I 'm afraid not .
12 Haig , though still hugely optimistic , reported later in a dispatch : ‘ The low-lying clayey soil , torn by shells and sodden by rain , turned to a succession of vast muddy pools .
13 Ceauşescu 's imagination turned to a project which could not be reversed by his successors , perhaps even by time itself .
14 That decision exposed the party 's bankruptcy : with no leader of stature to replace Mr Gandhi , they turned to a woman whose only political asset was her name , which , the party hoped , would bring in the sympathy vote that swung Rajiv into power after his mother 's death in 1984 .
15 He turned to the sentry .
16 Colonel David Stirling was so alarmed at what he believed was the dubious ability of the government to cope with a major strike affecting essential services that he turned to the possibility of forming a private force of military and other experts to assist the civil authorities .
17 Very thoughtfully , she turned to the telephone directory and looked up the name .
18 George 's face registered total disbelief and he turned to the telephone .
19 In desperation she picked up the paper and turned to the TV guide , but there was nothing scheduled for the early-evening spot apart from game shows .
20 He turned to the sister immediately : ‘ Close the ward , put the patient in the dayroom , gather all the staff to examine the patient 's locker , bed , bathroom , everything . ’
21 Den was wiping the horse down with a cloth , and Nessie turned to the back of the yard and the standing pump .
22 He turned to the back seat as I swung under the arch and headed towards the Baños del Inca .
23 Whilst he was gone , Morse turned to the back of The Times and had filled in the whole of the bottom right-hand quarter of the crossword when Lewis returned two minutes later .
24 The Land of the Rising Sun turned to the land of the pouring rain for practice
25 In September 1960 , Campbell turned to the land record .
26 Bizarrely , Kylie turned to the influence of Ned Kelly for inspection .
27 When I 'd completed this process I turned to the mirror to look at myself for a last time .
28 Athelstan turned to the porter and tossed him a silver coin .
29 He turned to the keeper .
30 In 1951 , the Employment Fellowship ( formerly the Winter Distress League ) turned to the problem of keeping elderly people employed for as long as possible ( Employment Fellowship 1958 ) .
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