Example sentences of "practice of [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He considered that English , seen as a form of study rather than the practice of cultivated reading , had still not freed itself from the criticism of lacking intellectual strenuousness .
2 You have already noticed in your SAS practice of up-to-time sentences that sometimes the mouth seems to open more noticeably than at others .
3 It had previously been notorious in some areas for the manipulation of electoral boundaries and for the practice of religious discrimination .
4 Judgments will be made on human remains , associated funerary objects , unassociated funerary materials ( typically associated with funerary remains , but not clearly from graves ) , as well as ‘ cultural patrimony ’ ( communally owned objects , that therefore could never have been legally sold ) , and religious objects ( necessary for ongoing practice of religious ritual ) .
5 A demonstration is only part of the teaching process ; the rest , such as the presentation and analysis of the theoretical knowledge on which the procedures are based , the teaching and practice of necessary skills , the evaluation of the procedures , and extension work such as the construction of contingency plans for related but different emergencies , must take place in follow-up sessions .
6 He is more poet than academic , or professional religious , and it is precisely because of his wilful integrity and gift for language that he is able to share a sense of the actual process — frequently frustrating — of the practice of spiritual discipline which for all the mystics is the weapon in the battle against the forces of darkness that self-evidently threaten to destroy human fulfilment .
7 Ed 's comment : Regular readers may remember my attack on the practice of dying Glassfish in an editorial last year calling for a complete ban .
8 The smallest of all the pigs , the bullet-shaped pygmy hog lives in the tall grasslands of northern India , where it is highly endangered because of the practice of agricultural grass-burning and , lately , armed rebellion ( see ‘ Pigs in distress ’ ) .
9 These include competition from the new entertainment media of video and computer games and the widespread practice of private copying or home taping .
10 This became a strong reason to him for the practice of private confession .
11 Abolitionists provided themselves with a collective equivalent to the practice of personal scrutiny in their annual meetings .
12 The practice of personal hygiene is an almost automatic daily activity .
13 The practice of limited planning can be extended to include all the school 's activities .
14 He was pleased with the support received for the practice of joint confirmation and particularly , welcomed the first ever united service for Christian Unity week .
15 The research will address theoretical issues relating to the practice of joint consultation , and its role in the processes of job regulation , as well as contributing to the debates on management strategy and contingency theory .
16 ‘ Although it is argued that fear of punitive jury awards has made the US business safety-conscious , quite a price has had to be paid for that by way of corporate and insurance company bankruptcy , the closing of municipal facilities and the practice of defensive medicine . ’
17 He set up parish schools and to aid his clergy he wrote an exposition of the Church Catechism , called The Practice of Divine Love .
18 The main purpose of the conference was to provide a forum for social , community and health workers to explore social , ethical and legal issues emerging from the practice of genital mutilation , which although prohibited in Britain , affects girls resident here whose families take them abroad to be circumcised .
19 The first step in that direction was taken when the early Hebrew legislators forbade the practice of sacred prostitution , this ritual being fundamental to the non-Yahwistic cults and also one in which women played a central role ( Deut.
20 He condemned the practice of marital chastity as highly dangerous , leading to infertility in women , impotence in men and even to death .
21 In January 1990 , however , the authorities discontinued the practice of stamping bearers ' passports to show that they were HIV-positive .
22 Henriques also condoned the practice of fiddling coin machines , thieving from lorries and joy-riding : ‘ Again it seems hardly fair to blame children for stealing from the back of lorries , which is such a very common offence , the result , generally , of perfectly innocent joy-riding . ’
23 Their perspective was anti state intervention and the practice of democratic politics , and pro the virtues of individualism and the freedoms associated with a free-market capitalist economy .
24 As early as the mid-19th century it was recognised that the common practice of boiling greens with bicarbonate of soda was wrong : ‘ Never , under any circumstances , unless you wish entirely to destroy all flavour and reduce your peas to pulp , boil them with soda .
25 Thus , the intellectual climate was transformed by refugees from the failed Paris Commune , and from Spain , Italy and Germany , who had brought with them their socialistic education , which led to the general practice of mutual aid among the immigrants — a practice little known to the people of Argentina' ( Juan Justo , in Aguilar : 1968 , p. 79 ) .
26 The aims of the research are : to undertake a wide-ranging review of the priority assessment techniques applied by local authorities to transport projects ; to apply a representative sample of the techniques to a common set of projects ; and to distill the experience gained through the first two stages , together with knowledge of recent developments in the theory and practice of multiple criteria analysis into a computer-based priority assessment package .
27 One of the most flagrant abuses in this regard is the widespread practice of multiple recovery surgery … .
28 In establishing their ancestry , little reference is ever made to the surrealists , who obviously contributed a great deal to the contestation of realism — this seems to arise mainly from a dislike of the practice of automatic writing .
29 SISPA Intensive Course on Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Automatic Speech Recognition .
30 He does not look at society from afar , through the wrong end of a telescope , as is the usual practice of professional historians .
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