Example sentences of "practice it be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She became one of those women reporters whose listening ear and less judgemental approach to people in trouble helped to make the distillation of news the more respected practice it is today .
2 The theory is that the seller will be able to evaluate the prices offered in the light of the different contractual terms required , but in practice it is rarely the case that there is no further negotiation .
3 While there is no regulation that specifically excludes due diligence work on a listed company , in practice it is rarely undertaken due to the rules on equality of information to be given not only to all shareholders but also to offerors or bona fide potential offerors .
4 Deceptively , because in practice it is rarely accomplished and only in a few cases have polymer blends or mixtures achieved industrial importance .
5 While dependence on American assistance in 1964 – 65 might seem to have left the British government dangerously exposed to American influence ( or even dictation ) , in practice it is just as reasonable to argue that the Wilson government was able to turn American self-interest to its own advantage .
6 In practice it is often difficult to define bibliographical types in a way that gives a reliable guide to content , and the selector is best advised to look at each bibliography individually .
7 In practice it is often hard to detect such anti-competitive behaviour .
8 The distinction , though in practice it is often blurred , in theory is clear .
9 Dementia sufferers might be expected to gain by day attendance in the following ways : i diagnosis and assessment of problems ii management of particular problems iii reality orientation iv skill preservation v general stimulation , socialisation and recreation vi supervision vii respite for carers In practice it is often the last which predominates .
10 assuming that you choose to purchase a microcomputer , there is the choice of hardware In practice it is often the selection of software which determines this choice , but there are certain hardware features which are likely to be important .
11 Your comment that there should be ‘ a clear distinction between medicolegal intervention requested by the police and health care ’ may be an ideal but in practice it is often difficult if not impossible to distinguish clearly between the two .
12 The most important ingredient in the construction stage is time but , although this is sometimes a source of worry at the beginning , in practice it is often found that this stage is less time-consuming than the planning stages .
13 In practice it is quite complex because you need at least six lasers to trap a clump of atoms ; the lasers also have to be tuned to the natural movement of the atoms .
14 ( Although theoretically it is easy to distinguish between a merger and a takeover , in practice it is less so and the words are generally used interchangeably . )
15 On paper this may sound like splitting hairs , but in practice it is perfectly possible to make the difference clear .
16 In practice it is always out of the question : there is always a residuum of unpredictability .
17 In practice it is very difficult to get two such small nuclei to collide and fuse , in beams of billions most of them simply miss one another .
18 In practice it is very probable that they do not .
19 In practice it is very difficult to decide what is representative ; perhaps the best method is to make a general study of several sections from the same sequence before proceeding to detailed description and analysis .
20 In practice it is more common to find the words or behaviour part of the offence being breached rather than the distributing or displaying part .
21 Economic theory tells us that there are three types of merger , although in practice it is sometimes hard to categorize a merger as a particular type .
22 In practice it is sometimes the case that IMRO members refuse to agree to be the firm 's customer instead of their clients , in these circumstances .
23 In practice it is almost invariably the Director General who acts , though the Secretary of State initiated the reference of British Gas to the MMC in 1992 .
24 Although , as we have seen , it is possible to step outside this framework , and find an alternative that seems to fit the life style of the person who has died better than a traditional church funeral , in practice it is extremely difficult to do this .
25 Although the method described above does give an explicit integral expression for V , in practice it is extremely difficult to evaluate this integral for arbitrary initial data .
26 For example , in practice it is extremely difficult to make a brain lesion that entirely removes one part of the brain while leaving the rest intact ; they are either too large or too small .
27 Although the Inland Revenue has up to three months in which to confirm the validity of the election ( s 248(2) ) , in practice it is usually prepared to give confirmation within a much shorter period .
28 The analysis of required skills ought in principle to have an ergonomics input but in practice it is usually done on the basis of experience of similar system designs in the past .
29 It is essential , in carrying out the test , to use sentential frames which ideally do not share any elements ( although in practice it is usually sufficient if the immediate pre- and post-environments of the substituted items are distinct ) .
30 When this is given as written practice it is usually between 250 and 3,000 words in prose on a given subject .
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