Example sentences of "come up with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The main reason that I was allowed to do the research was , I learned later , because their press was so bad the Moonies could not believe that someone who would listen to what they said could possibly come up with worse stories than those already in the media .
2 We will see what we can come up with that 'll be weather proof , we may just have to keep on going out er sticking labels
3 The action could not prejudice the specific property for which the receiver was responsible , so Sir Nicolas Browne-Wilkinson V-C was willing to wait and see if Tudor Grange could come up with suitable indemnities .
4 When you set those criteria , you do n't come up with many names , ’ says Prosser .
5 For the planners ' part , they know that they must come up with good results to make up for the inadequacies of the previous strategies .
6 Product development departments could come up with fluorescent wolf-repellent bum-bags for £80 , and high-tech one-size bear-survival suits , built to withstand the claws of an angry grizzly for up to three minutes , and available in a range of attractive designer colours for only £350 .
7 At the summit meeting last month between Bill Clinton and Japan 's prime minister , Kiichi Miyazawa , America insisted that Japan should come up with specific measures that would enable it to meet new import targets .
8 You can simply enjoy watching your players come up with ingenious , crazy or simply bizarre plans to avoid the inevitable .
9 It was only a theory but it had always amazed him , and the other field operatives , how Philpott could come up with solid cover stories at such short notice .
10 Try processing all the relevant information contained in the problem to help you come up with one plausible explanation .
11 Then he 'd come up with one mad scheme after another , like buying a sack of pigeon food and selling it to people in Trafalgar Square .
12 I 'll come up with two or three of the other men and knock on the door .
13 As we all know from personal experience , intellect will often come up with two very different solutions to the same problem in two different individuals , or even in the same individual on two different occasions .
14 But the Premier League clubs did come up with two positive measures in what Parry described as ‘ the most constructive meeting we have had for a long time . ’
15 Two different valuers may well come up with two different detailed valuations of the same property — providing fertile ground for appeals and disputes . ’
16 I 'm sure you 'll come up with all kinds of ideas of your own , but for starters why do n't you do something you know really well — the world of fashion . ’
17 Now he 'll come up with all sorts of bright ideas like tying me up or pumping me full of tranquillizers for my own safety .
18 They may even come up with possible solutions to the problems faced that will be equally attributable to their own situation , although they may be quite unaware of this until their attention is drawn to it .
19 It does n't come up with irrational error messages and it 's nice and simple to use .
20 To improve the quality of our work , these are erm , when I say though the current position is the technical quality is variable , these this assessment comes from internal reviews which are carried out and we have annual quality control reviews in all parts of the of the practice and the answers that have been come back coming back from those quality control reviews have and they 're pretty strict reviews it seems , strictly in accordance with the book , strictly in accordance with all the reg rules and regulations and , so if one has deviated from those and it 's hardly surprising how very high standards B S five seven five O would have , be quite easy to obtain in most of our practice areas , so it 's hardly surprising that there will be occasions when we do n't actually er come up with ten out of ten on a on an assignment .
21 It is amazing how the model world can come up with numerous variations on the same basic device .
22 It is to be hoped that the Stock Exchange smaller companies working party will come up with sensible , practical and workable proposals .
23 To do this , it has to not only come up with single products but be able to place them in product systems and even combine them in innovative ways .
24 So it will be interesting to see if Sugar 's financial advisers Kleinwort Benson can come up with any more cash .
25 He glanced at his watch ; less than five minutes , and as he trotted along to intercept the postman 's route he could n't come up with any plan that seemed remotely workable .
26 So , can we come up with any speculations about relatively probable ways in which cumulative selection might have got its start ?
27 Short of battering him on the head with a blunt instrument — the thought held immense appeal , and she savoured it for a long moment , before reluctantly putting it on hold — she could n't come up with any way out of the present situation .
28 She hoped he would n't come up with any suggestions about spending the evening together .
29 Once you really start to think of the components that can be changed in a room without too much ado you can come up with any number of ideas for a change of style , or more important , for adding style where none existed before .
30 But I honestly ca n't come up with any solution in that respect , because er , until you 've got er multi-national enforcement agencies which no politician is going to agree to , erm , you 're not going to solve the pro pro problem there .
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