Example sentences of "come up [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The action could not prejudice the specific property for which the receiver was responsible , so Sir Nicolas Browne-Wilkinson V-C was willing to wait and see if Tudor Grange could come up with suitable indemnities .
2 For the planners ' part , they know that they must come up with good results to make up for the inadequacies of the previous strategies .
3 Product development departments could come up with fluorescent wolf-repellent bum-bags for £80 , and high-tech one-size bear-survival suits , built to withstand the claws of an angry grizzly for up to three minutes , and available in a range of attractive designer colours for only £350 .
4 At the summit meeting last month between Bill Clinton and Japan 's prime minister , Kiichi Miyazawa , America insisted that Japan should come up with specific measures that would enable it to meet new import targets .
5 You can simply enjoy watching your players come up with ingenious , crazy or simply bizarre plans to avoid the inevitable .
6 It was only a theory but it had always amazed him , and the other field operatives , how Philpott could come up with solid cover stories at such short notice .
7 They may even come up with possible solutions to the problems faced that will be equally attributable to their own situation , although they may be quite unaware of this until their attention is drawn to it .
8 It does n't come up with irrational error messages and it 's nice and simple to use .
9 It is amazing how the model world can come up with numerous variations on the same basic device .
10 It is to be hoped that the Stock Exchange smaller companies working party will come up with sensible , practical and workable proposals .
11 To do this , it has to not only come up with single products but be able to place them in product systems and even combine them in innovative ways .
12 ‘ People were extremely disappointed that conservationists could not come up with exciting positive solutions for potential land that might come out of agriculture , ’ says Miss Appleby .
13 THE ENVIRONMENT Secretary , Mr Chris Patten , yesterday finally rejected plans to build a new town of 4,800 homes at Foxley Wood , Hampshire , saying the county council should come up with fresh county-wide plans .
14 I hope that Del Amitri pay a return visit to the region , once the album Change Everything is out , because there are n't too many bands around that can come up with interesting material and do such a great job in putting it across in concert halls .
15 In completing the ten steps the trainees may come up with different answers from ‘ what happened ’ .
16 People brought up in different places and having different life experiences will come up with different opinions .
17 He 's offered to go away and come up with incriminating evidence , Robert .
18 Very clearly then , we 've got a proposal that we do n't pursue that option , which we 've paid the len rent this year , we 've paid the lease this year , so we ca n't backtrack on that , but maybe that 'll come up for future discussion .
19 The seeds should come up in neat , well-spaced rows , and be easier to prick out than thickly sown clusters .
20 In tomorrow 's quarter-finals , Jackman will come up against Australian Michelle Martin , the fourth seed .
21 As the psychoanalyst , or therapist , delves into the unconscious of his or her patients , he will come up against phylogenetic material , memory traces of the experiences not of the patient , but of earlier generations of humanity .
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