Example sentences of "everything that was [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Montaine 's entire existence belonged to Mme Guérigny and Jean-Claude , and every detail of it , everything that was even remotely reminiscent of it , was in their custody .
2 Little by little everything that was most English about her had been eroded and all she had left of it was her honesty , her natural courtesy and a slight reserve she could not entirely eliminate .
3 My father had judged him " to stand for everything that was most corrupt in officialdom " .
4 And it was the right subject — he got there in the end — because it enabled him to use everything that was most important in his own experience .
5 In the first model of the mind , remember we said that the unconscious was everything that was either primarily unconscious , could never become conscious , or had been forced into the unconscious by th by means of repression .
6 In a separate incident a gang of thieves broke into the Alea town museum and removed everything that was easily transportable only large statues were left behind .
7 As Laura 's personal taste was moving away from the little cottage sprigs , Jane believed it was important that she was not deluged in an avalanche of everything that was vaguely old ; that , for example , French eighteenth century was not mixed with Welsh nineteenth century .
8 Now in the summer of 1187 Henry sent messenger after messenger to Richard asking him to return and promising to grant him everything that was justly his .
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