Example sentences of "home with [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 This was also controlled by a private club , but we were sometimes given a day 's fishing and generally managed to come home with a few trout .
2 The fishermen showed us how to hold them safely and we invariably went home with a few , to watch , shocked , as Mother plunged them , alive , into boiling water .
3 ‘ I think Chris and Tina were freaked by the experience and have gone home with a few grey hairs .
4 A few dozen herring here or there ; nobody troubled : every child went home with a few dozen herring on a string .
5 He ( or she ) wo n't find a dead body in the foreshore , but he might well return home with a few cans of paint , a drum of oil , a host of seaborne lost offerings , or even a net of Spanish oranges tucked under his arm .
6 Building the ark was n't a matter of nipping to the DIY shop and coming home with a few boxes labelled ‘ Flatpack ark ’ .
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