Example sentences of "gone up to [art] " in BNC.

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1 People had gone up to a house and been knocking on the door waiting for someone to come because the light had come on and they thought there must be somebody in because they switched the light on when they saw me come up the drive , and these are visitors .
2 Oh you have n't gone up to a bar and asked for a pils have you ?
3 Last night I opened my eyes when it was dark and feeling a sudden want of air opened the window when to my astonishment I was in time to see Oreste carried past in the arms of an angel and I wept and called out to him but there was no reply and soon they were gone up to the heavens and lost sight of .
4 I thought he was following me and other hotel-guests to the shelter , but he was n't ; he had gone up to the roof ‘ to watch it all ’ .
5 The pre-filming budget had gone up to the then astronomical sixteen million dollars with Tyrone Power cast in the lead .
6 When the laundry maid had told her he had been married , she had gone up to the high moors and wept .
7 ‘ If Gebrec was upset or worried about something and just wanted to be alone to think things over , ’ said Jack , ‘ he might have gone up to the belvedere , or down by the river where we went yesterday to do our painting . ’
8 Buck had gone up to the green and marked his ball .
9 Surely Ashenden would have gone up to the Pay-Out desk immediately , if he 'd been there especially since that was the only time he was going to be in the betting-shop .
10 No , he 'd gone up to the traffic lights and this cyclist sort of like cycled up , jumped off his bike and wheeled it round the corner so he
11 I you see you 're not exceeding what the government is establishing as your target level , you 're falling short of that , and that means that some people will not get services that they would get if you had gone up to the level .
12 Last year of course they did superbly , they beat Southend who were then in the fourth division , and look what 's happened to them , they 've gone up to the third division .
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