Example sentences of "role in [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Images have multiple meanings and we play an active and unpredictable role in constructing and interpreting our cultural concepts and products .
2 Education authorities could play an important role in promoting and encouraging local clusters of boards which could provide a focal point and be more locally relevant than wider area-based training .
3 The intelligentsia has an enhanced role in creating and transmitting the new national culture through a national educational system .
4 The arrangement of the oceans in relation to the continents plays a decisive role in creating and sustaining life on Earth .
5 The Commission foresees the agency playing a key role in collecting and distributing technical , scientific and economic information already being generated by existing national organisations .
6 Thus social policy must be critically evaluated not only for its failure to eradicate poverty among older women ( and , to a lesser extent , men ) , but also because it occupies a central role in producing and legitimating both the poverty of a substantial proportion of older people and the marked inequalities between older women and men .
7 Most day-release is concerned with socialising representatives into forms of collective bargaining which are under challenge , and carefully avoid encouraging creative thought about representatives ' role in generating and sustaining organisational change .
8 If UNEP is to play the key role in shaping and managing the new environmental conventions Brazil would be a better centre ( and Geneva an even better one ) .
9 it plays an essential role in shaping and informing the Christian God-consciousness .
10 Since then the CIOB has played a leading role in developing and launching qualifications for construction managers and supervisors — namely the Site Supervisory Certificate , Site Management Certificate and Site Management Diploma .
11 But the company 's rotation policy dictated that he should be moved ‘ rather abruptly ’ into the wages department , where he played a role in setting and negotiating piece rates .
12 Do non-Disabled people have a role in supporting and promoting Disability arts ?
13 The local Trades Councils were nonetheless able to organise quite effectively around demands for city improvements and municipalisation of utilities , campaigned against excessive salaries for local bureaucrats , and had an important role in discussing and pushing for parliamentary reform .
14 The Women 's Royal Voluntary Service ( WRVS ) plays a major role in organising and delivering these meals to the homes of elderly people .
15 The developer , in identifying land for residential development , may choose between an active and a passive role in locating and bringing land into the company 's land bank .
16 The formulation and implementation of pilot , demonstration and otherwise innovative projects plays a crucial role in unlocking and mobilising the full potential of Glasgow 's assets .
17 Learning plays a minor role in communicating and apparently is not itself affected by it .
18 As Investigation Scientists you will be responsible for carrying out a wide variety of environmental monitoring and impact assessment investigations in rivers , estuaries and coastal waters and play an important role in installing and maintaining automatic quality monitoring stations .
19 Finally , technical inputs of equipment and components , as well as the maintenance of markets , will depend upon insertion into a diversified manufacturing sector in which public policy plays a coherent role in establishing and maintaining linkages .
20 However , we showed that the contribution which PNP appointees were able to make was inseparable from the wider management structures within which they were located , and in particular that the head played a key role in facilitating and supporting their endeavours .
21 These NGOs have played a valuable and necessary role in supplying and staffing insecure districts .
22 Some 47% were in the category of Mystified Manunsure about their role in feeding and about their role as a father .
23 Every member of staff has a role in reducing and preventing crime .
24 Banks play a major role in reducing and eliminating such risks on behalf of their customers .
25 Drugs will continue to have a key role in preventing and treating disease and in ameliorating symptoms .
26 The Reporter is given a crucial role in directing and controlling proceedings to ensure that all questions are fully discussed , but repetition discouraged .
27 At the very least TECs have a vital role in researching and developing an operating model for the creation of local education strategies which could bring some strategic order to an otherwise rapidly fragmenting school system .
28 Quantitative hepatitis C virus RNA assay , however , may have a role in selecting and monitoring patients for antiviral therapy ; the recently developed quantitative bDNA by Chiron Corporation is a good candidate .
29 In recent years , computer technology has played an increasingly important role in storing and retrieving chemical information ( see figure 4.1 ) .
30 Second , the state must also legitimise its role in preserving and reproducing an exploitative and inegalitarian system of production through the provision of welfare benefits .
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