Example sentences of "data [adv] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Though the registration of late fetal deaths is not considered complete in several reporting developed and in most developing countries , the data uniformly show the influence of maternal age on the viability of fetuses .
2 These two sets of data effectively determine the density fluctuation spectrum in the present Universe on scales from 10 to 1,000Mpc .
3 The committee says it is ‘ unwilling to assume that negative mouse data necessarily outweigh the consensus of a variety of short-term tests . ’
4 ( The data only show the States where the contracts were placed .
5 The locational or spatial aspects of geographical problems are handled by a spatial database management system while queries relating to the attribute data generally use a relational database management system .
6 One can speculate that , since the data largely represent the views of senior company people , project success is judged against this policy and the negative correlations appear .
7 Of course you can buy accounting systems with workflow management tools that can deliver a screen to you by mail for interactive questions and gathers data automatically to update the accounts .
8 However the data also allows the treatment patterns of hundreds of thousands of patients to be analysed and the outcomes of treatment to be monitored .
9 Thus , it is reasonable to suppose that these data also reflect the same transitional changes in the relationship between infant mortality and birth order as was hypothesized in connection with maternal age .
10 Family Expenditure Survey data also show the widening gap between the incomes of lone parents and the incomes of couples with children .
11 RAM Mobile Data also provides a network and is working with a range of third parties to provide operational facilities .
12 Nevertheless , none of the data really substantiated the imaginative tour de force of Gall and Spurzheim ( in Kolb and Whishaw 1985 ) who , at the turn of the nineteenth century , argued that the human cerebral cortex is subdivided into functional areas , each responsible for a different mental faculty .
13 The world-wide flow of data now underlies the phenomenon of multinational companies and allows rapid and comprehensive factual updating for all the players in the world economic game .
14 The data strongly imply a threeway divergence of these species not longer than 5.6 million years ago .
15 There has been no chromosome work in Shetland ( nor investigations of the " teeth " ) , but the shell-shape data strongly suggest a meeting of two factions-in some places the enclaves show the full " normal " range of variation : in others , only a few miles away , they do not .
16 The distribution and structural data strongly suggested the possibility that ICAM-3 would be a third ligand for LFA-1 and experiments were undertaken to test this hypothesis .
17 Conversely , our data strongly suggested a substantial genetic impact on the preferential local IgG1 response in ulcerative colitis .
18 This data then becomes the detail in the next level of the hierarchical structure ( see Figure 5.9 ) .
19 The paper tape was then used to input the data either to update the personnel files or to update payroll files prior to the weekly or monthly payroll sequences .
20 In the last two areas , the proportions of people who were ‘ very worried about mugging ’ were 32 per cent and 36 per cent , compared to an average of 20 per cent , and ( 11 per cent in rural areas — these data evidently precede the advent of lager loutishness ! ) .
21 The ingenious minds that take their delight in inventing causal hypotheses to account for these present seeming relations , through reference to supposed conditions of the past , will work more easily , and perhaps with more truthful results , if supplied with properly arranged data truly illustrating the present .
22 These more recent data therefore strengthen the suggestion that there is an increased incidence in Seascale among those aged 0–24 years , but whereas the original findings related mainly to lymphoid leukaemia in those aged 0–14 years , there were no leukaemias and only one case below age 15 during 1984–90 .
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