Example sentences of "certainly [vb infin] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 BEATRIX : I shall certainly endeavour to be that .
2 He will certainly need to be well prepared for the task which faces him , with international cricket politics becoming increasingly complex .
3 He will certainly need to be well prepared for the task which faces him , with international cricket politics becoming increasingly complex .
4 A blank cassette — and maybe a spare — is an obvious essential ( a ) , and you will certainly need to be able to recharge your camcorder battery as you go along , so do n't forget to take your battery charger ( b ) with you .
5 These rigorous tests mean that the Court of Appeal hears fresh evidence only rarely ; it will certainly need to be satisfied that the appeal is not being used merely as an attempt to argue the case in a different way .
6 They will certainly need to be on a direct access device .
7 So the ultracold collisions are unlikely to provide a fundamental limit on the fountain experiments , at least in the near future , although they will certainly need to be accounted for in some way .
8 If the technology is used for more than word processing then lawyers will certainly need to be trained .
9 One is that I think in order to overcome some of the objections that that we heard from Leeds yesterday in terms of the erm the urban regeneration policies , that any proposal would would certainly need to be re-relocating from outside the region .
10 It would certainly appear to be of a representative or commemorative character however , which would make it one of the earliest of such scenes in Britain ( the most likely candidate for this honour is a possible chariot scene , from Exeter : Bidwell 1979 , pI .
11 The difficulty was that a man of this calibre would almost certainly have to be prepared to take a substantial drop in salary .
12 Greenpeace says that this gap ‘ will almost certainly have to be met by further ‘ waste profiteering ’ from other countries — a practice which guarantees profits for incineration companies and subsidises the incineration of UK-originated waste ’ .
13 Compromises will certainly have to be made , notably in the positioning of the pond and selection of garden plants and shrubs , but the following tips may be of help :
14 Well then , I thought , if I believed in such a being which I had to confess I once did but no more — He ( She or It ) would certainly have to be on my side now , the game working out as it had .
15 In view of the consents that are likely to be necessary for the transfer of assets , there will almost certainly have to be such a period .
16 Adjustments will almost certainly have to be made to secure the agreement of individual partners who are asked to make concessions : guaranteed consultancies for partners who reach retirement age or preferential profit sharing etc may need to be introduced .
17 The sensory-motor synapse would certainly seem to be one letter of such an alphabet .
18 This week 's riot by 150 schoolgirls at Wimbledon station will almost certainly prove to be the crucial event of the election period , and the one which sets the tone for the next decade or so .
19 It will certainly prove to be a photogenic spot once things get rolling .
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