Example sentences of "word that [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As the words blazed their rainbow colours around him he flung his hands back and prepared to say the eighth and final word that would appear in coruscating octarine and seal the spell .
2 Mr Cubbage was like a cat on hot bricks , he was most distraught at Coleen 's decision to go to England , and he bombarded her with letters and flowers ; he could not wait for her return and for her to say the one word that would make her his wife .
3 There also , in the early morning prayer time , Jesus heard the word that would sustain the weary he met during the day .
4 I tried to marry this judgment with the memory of the sturdy young woman I 'd seen joking in the glade ; who had come breezily into The Pightle telling me to water the plants and daring me to a duel of wits with Edward ; who had seemed so certain of me over against his cautious vacillation. fragile was not the first word that would have occurred to me , unless I had overlooked something vital — something which , I remembered , Bob had noted .
5 My word that would have been a spectacular goal .
6 Fusion was the word that would excite the world following the press conference , and although they were convinced from their heat data and also from their vaporised palladium block that fusion was occurring , they would have to see neutrons to convince the scientific community of it .
7 ‘ Hunger ’ was the only word that would describe it .
8 From knowing the actual word that should have been written at a particular position in the input , a simple NAWK program was written which loaded the target word for each position into an associative array , then went through the Q100 lattice and printed out the recognition score assigned to each target word .
9 A small word that can mean the difference between happiness and despair .
10 I know it is a word that can mean various things , but we must ask why some continental politicians refer to the word ’ federal ’ at every opportunity .
11 ‘ Rational ’ — a word that can take on various meanings and get one into all sorts of trouble — is here being used to describe those models that ignore organizational behaviour and suggest that the decision-maker has near-perfect knowledge , power and insight , needing merely to conduct the necessary analysis and implement it .
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