Example sentences of "word be used [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A gross visual description of a word is used as the starting point , to which a small number of feature tests are applied to discriminate between the possible interpretations .
2 Bosworth-Toller 's Dictionary says cautiously that often you can not tell ‘ whether the word is used with a good or with a bad meaning ’ .
3 The fact that the same word is used for either reflects the general feeling that the distinction between them is fairly hazy .
4 The same word is used of those who doubted the risen Christ : ‘ When they saw him , they fell prostrate before him , though some were doubtful ’ ( Matthew 28:17 ) .
5 If any descriptive word is used at all , it is usually " valuer " , and the procedure is called a " valuation " or an " appraisement " , and not " expert determination " or a " reference to an expert " .
6 So they ‘ murmur ’ against Moses ( the same word is used in chapter 16 and Numbers 11 ) and ask , ‘ What shall we drink ? ’
7 Games , in the special psychological sense in which the word is used in transactional analysis ( see page 167 ) , are closely allied to strokes and discounts ( see pages 156 and 55 ) .
8 Even without a practice partner , you will enjoy this simple exercise , and you may be surprised how widely one little word is used in our language .
9 The question whether there was ‘ dishonesty ’ by the prosecution may not be easy for magistrates to determine because it is not clear in what sense that word is used in the present context .
10 If the context shows that a word is used in an unusual sense the court will determine in other words what that unusual sense is .
11 Lastly , let me assume that Viscount Dilhorne 's statements have the character of a ‘ decision ’ as that word is used in the Practice Statement ( Judicial Precedent ) [ 1966 ] 1 W.L.R. 1234 , which intimated that this House would depart from a previous decision ‘ when it appears right to do so . ’
12 In order to learn to master this sort of mismatch , simple context drills must be prepared such as the following one , in order to become accustomed to the way the word is used in German : N.B. ( to me ) indicates that it is implied in the English sentence , but not usually stated ; if stated , it would be followed by the preposition " in " , as in " Bring the books to me in the library " .
13 In some cases evidence may be admitted to show that a word is used in a technical or local meaning .
14 Many words and phrases have a technical legal meaning , and it is quite proper , and often necessary , to use such language in order to convey a precise legal meaning : for instance , the drafter may deliberately refer to the requirement that the goods be " merchantable " , because that word is used in the SGA , even though it is not in common use .
15 A definition should be used wherever there may be dispute about the meaning of a word or phrase , or wherever a word is used in a special or unusual sense .
16 If the same word is used in more than one place in a document , it will be assumed that it means the same thing each time it appears .
17 And God 's word is used in bringing us to new birth , in bringing us , er to faith in Jesus Christ .
18 This word is used in two different ways .
19 In almost each case , this single word is used in a different context .
20 The word is used by him in a somewhat extenuated sense ; not the classical definition of a sacred narrative-cum-worldview of Levi-Strauss and the anthropologists , but the more ordinary sense of metaphor , image or symbol , ‘ rites ’ even , and especially ‘ mythologies within mythology ’ as Milton Wilson perceived .
21 Here I intend to extend and develop the analysis by looking at differentiation as the product of a process of under development in the sense in which that word is used by Cleaver ( 1977 ) .
22 That last , familiar , word was used by Nietzsche himself precisely in this context and at this time : " I observe how my philosophical , moral and scholarly endeavours strive towards a single goal and that I may perhaps become the first philologist ever to achieve wholeness . "
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