Example sentences of "mrs [noun] [verb] she " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Taylor said she had been urging the Government for months to make public a report by Mr Ponsford confirming the morale problems .
2 After the decision , Mrs Taylor said she still believed the case was about Sunday trading .
3 He picked her up in his car after Mrs Dean said she had some news from his ex-wife Debbie , Geoffrey Dean 's sister and a former beauty queen .
4 Mrs Whittaker said she would have to pay up to £20 a week to continue visiting the centre , as well as £5 an hour for her own carers .
5 Schools minister and Darlington MP Michael Fallon is giving a talk on dyslexia next week and Mrs Beamson said she planned to attend .
6 Although there is little or no evidence to support the contention that those who deviate from shared sexual morality are likely to be ‘ deviant ’ in other ways as well , it was argued in Chapter two that it is precisely this quality that Mrs Whitehouse felt she had detected in young ‘ revolutionaries ’ such as Richard Neville .
7 The second episode which Mrs Whitehouse says she remembers with a mixture of ‘ amusement and incredulity ’ involved a scene in which Alf and his son-in-law were in the living room reading : Mike , a football book , and Alf a book that can not at first be seen .
8 Mrs Burrows has one and Mrs Langley says she will give Mr Langley one as a birthday present .
9 Mrs Langley says she wishes you would go .
10 Mrs Hill says she 's trying to arrange a meeting with the foreign office , she says the least they could do is apologise .
11 In greater exasperation Mrs Stead-Carter said she 'd never heard anything as silly in her life : the Mothers ' Union in Dynmouth had neither Tupperware nor suede clothes nor underclothes at its disposal , Miss Poraway 's whole line of conversation was a waste of time .
12 Looking at a piece of work on the board Mrs Singh said she wanted her son to write like that .
13 Mrs Singh said she would go if I came too but not otherwise .
14 Mrs Currie says she does not agree with the ‘ dual mandate ’ — politicians sitting both at Westminster and Strasbourg , and intends resigning her Westminster seat if she makes it to Strasbourg .
15 From this , Mrs Lamport discovered she had misread one name and her researches into Mrs Piggott were scrapped while she took up the new challenge in the name of Mrs Pigou , a theatre-goer of French origin .
16 Then , ‘ Mrs Parvis says she 'd be obliged to have your ration book as soon as possible if you please . ’
17 It 's a sad parting ; one Mrs Scott hoped she 'd never have to make .
18 Mrs Adams says she 'll never buy bananas again .
19 Mrs Kipling said she got her children from their bedroom then was confronted by thick smoke .
20 Coun. Mrs Town said she did not see the difference between a severe hardship permit and a special badge , and accused the council officers of ‘ just playing with words ’ .
21 Mrs Titcomb says she reported her daughter missing 2 days later .
22 Mrs Titcomb says she reported her daughter missing 2 days later .
23 Mrs Frak says she bears no one from the home any ill will .
24 Mrs MacIllarry said she 'd been told by her mother that Jobson had once phoned saying he would kill her and then himself .
25 But at the weekend , although Mrs Aquino said she would respect any Supreme Court decision , she said she had received ‘ highly sensitive ’ information that strengthened her resolve .
26 Mrs Fitchew said she was extremely relieved not to have been sent to prison .
27 Already back at work today , Mrs Williams said she had n't had time to be frightened .
28 Furiously , she again spoke of Old Ape coming and going with his red plastic bucket , and Mrs Slewy denying she 'd ever touched a cancer-box in her life , and Miss Poraway and Mrs Stead-Carter and old Miss Trimm , now mercifully dead .
29 When that claim is settled Mrs Willies-Williams says she 'll donate her past state handouts to charity .
30 Mrs Costello-Roberts said she was ‘ disappointed to a certain degree by the decision ’ but she added : ‘ The fact that the vote of the judges was only very slightly against us does show that we were taken very seriously . ’
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