Example sentences of "usually [verb] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It is the prestige of winning this historic race that is important rather than the prize money , as the winner usually receives less than the runner-up .
2 Pinot Blanc wines in Champagne have more body than the Chardonnay and a greater alcoholic potential , but they lack finesse and usually remain neutral or possess a slightly earthy taste .
3 Primary females usually raise five or six young , while secondary females raise only three or four .
4 They usually lack self-reliance and the ability to cope realistically with their problems , and later on fail ( or are slow ) to accept adult responsibilities .
5 A minor option in a combined studies degree — Such an option usually represents four or five modules .
6 Although patients with events usually undergo biochemical and metabolic investigations , blood gas measurements on the arrival of such patients in the accident and emergency department are not routine .
7 But if English speakers hear they can usually recognise this as ‘ my turn ’ and not ‘ might earn ’ .
8 Manipulating behaviour is usually considered bad but this is more debatable .
9 Britain usually send six or seven for the relay team but for Los Angeles the selectors decided to rely on the sprinters that had been picked for the individual events .
10 ‘ If I passed a group of people on the street , I could usually count three before I heard it — ‘ Eeeeee ! ’
11 The district is the basic geographical unit of pollution control and usually contains one or two river or stream systems .
12 Metal garden furniture has an ageless quality , and usually looks better and better as time rolls on .
13 Flat braid usually looks better if hand-sewn as lines of machine sewing may spoil the finished effect .
14 In the world of adults a 15-year-old usually has little or no reputation .
15 Right , now , erm , were going to have it on the actual headings as far as the minutes concerned cos we did n't deal with anything very much last time , but the next item on the agenda erm , is usually campaigns and Amnesty erm usually has one or two or more campaigns running on a particular aspect of it 's work or a particular country and there was some that really started maybe two or three years ago and which have continued erm in a smaller form since that time .
16 Each ward usually has clerical and domestic staff as well as nurses , and sometimes specialist nurses are called upon ( e.g. the stoma care nurse ) .
17 The aggressive , destructive behaviour that is often seen in hyperkinetics usually develops later than the other symptoms , and may be largely a response to feelings of frustration that stem from the other symptoms .
18 Since the GCBS waybill lacks the spaces for the data that usually accompanies combined or multi-modal transport , it is suitable only for port to port and through transport .
19 A mixture of language ( usually incorporating English or French ) which has developed into a language in its own right .
20 It is a way of thinking which means that in great emergencies such as war , sacrifices are usually made late and reluctantly .
21 All religions have had their solitaries too , but the greatest of these usually made sure that they had a spiritual advisor and some kind of structure .
22 There were sometimes , but rarely , eggs for breakfast in the Airmens ' Mess , but these were eggs-as-they-came , and they usually came fried and cold and congealed on a plate on a Sunday morning .
23 As most women — and indeed , most men — do not stay 40 years with one employer , they usually receive less than this .
24 Do you usually feel happy when you finish a work ?
25 At Faringdon 's , the singers stood on chairs but I do not usually do this if I sing the song with children .
26 While Liza usually seemed vague and non-co-operative , there were times , such as the present one , when she appeared , miraculously , to pull herself together .
27 Square types usually hold six or eight AA cells and the pods are used in pairs .
28 Some have holes in them , some have five tiles in them , some have six or more ( the normal ones have usually got four or less ) .
29 It has to be said that some species are notoriously difficult to acclimatise to aquarium life when collected from the wild , but once the acclimatisation process is complete they will usually become resilient and even robust .
30 Bands usually look better if a few needles at the edges are knitted in stocking stitch which will roll and give a neat firm edge .
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