Example sentences of "usually [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He was hungry and conscious of the delicious greasy bundle in his bag , but he believed fish and chips were usually heated up in the oven anyway , so they would n't spoil .
2 In the old days , Grandma was usually propped up on an upright chair and sat in the open door to enjoy the street scene .
3 London , as it watched the decline of New York and Paris as theatrical capitals , maintained over fifty theatres , subsidised and commercial — of which most , on any week-day evening , were usually given over to legitimate theatre .
4 Weekends we 're usually booked up in advance , you see , even in the close season .
5 ( 2 ) The conditions referred to in subsection ( 1 ) above are : ( a ) that the premises of the club are structurally adapted and bona ride used , or intended to be used , wholly or mainly for the purpose of providing facilities in connection with the carrying on by members of the club and their guests of athletic sports or athletic games ; ( b ) that one or more of such sports or games is or are usually carried on out of doors and , when so carried on , can ( unless artificial lighting is used ) only be carried on during hours of daylight ; ( c ) that the said premises are regularly used , or are intended regularly to be used , during the winter period , for providing facilities in connection with the carrying on by members of the club and their guests , during the hours of daylight , of such a sport or game as is mentioned in paragraph ( ii ) above ; ( d ) that having regard to the time at which the said sport or game is usually carried on by members of the club and their guests , the permitted hours set out in section 53(3) of this Act are not suitable for the supply of alcoholic liquor in the said premises to persons who participate in that sport or game .
6 Acceptance sampling is usually carried out at the customer 's premises and consists of examining samples of goods delivered , noting the number of reject , or unsatisfactory , items , comparing this number with an agreed acceptable quality level .
7 To go out on the knocker was party activists ' jargon for canvassing , a thankless task usually carried out at night with the aid of a failing torch and a broken pencil .
8 At percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography bile is often sampled on initial puncture of the liver at a site distant from the stricture whereas at endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography sampling is usually carried out at the site of the stricture after it has been disrupted by insertion of an endoprosthesis .
9 Reminiscence is usually carried out with five to six people .
10 LEFT Excavations are usually carried out on sites scheduled for development , so that the archaeological evidence can never be displayed on the site .
11 Simulation is usually carried out on a computer , and tends to be utilised when mathematical or other measures are not practicable , eg in corporate planning exercises .
12 Inspection is usually carried out on a sampling basis but 100% inspection is also common .
13 Vasectomy is usually carried out under local anaesthetic , and the whole operation only takes about 10 minutes .
14 The procedure is usually carried out under intravenous sedation and a local anaesthetic , and takes approximately 15 to 30 minutes to complete .
15 Many Norwegians participate in mountain rescue , which is usually carried out in deep snow .
16 Female sterilisation is usually carried out in hospital or in a well-equipped clinic .
17 These expeditions were usually carried out in remote , sparsely populated areas .
18 This type of care is usually carried out in special units .
19 This is usually carried out in a London hospital or other UK hospital specialising in bone marrow transplants .
20 A number of part-time units derived 90–98% of their income from the farm with the remainder coming from contract work , usually carried out by the son for a little extra income .
21 Daily operation was usually carried out by a miller who , like a number of other employees , was actually paid a salary and granted a number of other privileges .
22 The survey is usually carried out by a chartered surveyor , which means — in theory at least — that he can be held liable for negligence and sued for damages .
23 Investigation : Usually carried out by departmental staff , with reports submitted to the minister within ninety working days .
24 The most frequent methods of gaining primary data are by the use of questionnaires and of interviews , usually carried out by trained agency staff .
25 Scientific research is usually carried out by a team of scientists , often from several disciplines who work together , each of whom contributing something to the whole .
26 It is worth noting that although , during the Survey , untrained personnel were expected to assess the condition of books — an activity usually carried out by experts — considerable efforts were made to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the records which they maintained .
27 In newborn babies , the infection is usually picked up from the mother 's vagina during birth .
28 There was nothing in his chinless face of the awesome wonder that Gabriel usually looked down on .
29 The Marxist thesis that power lies with whoever controls the " means of production " , is usually mixed up with an egalitarian thesis that each producer has a natural moral right to the power which his production generates .
30 Throughout the east Midlands ash trees were planted along the hedges , less often the elm , usually spaced out at wide intervals .
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