Example sentences of "national [noun] [prep] health " in BNC.

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1 Britain may be odd in spending such a low percentage of its national income on health .
2 By cost containment , the American media meant that the U S A spends almost twice of national income on health as the U K does , but for no better results overall .
3 By matching the Swedish twin registry at the Department of Environmental Hygiene , Karolinska Institute , Stockholm , with the central diagnosis register of hospital inpatients at the National Board of Health and Welfare , a population of monozygotic or dizygotic twins of the same sex has been identified .
4 In the period 1977–81 , reimbursement of the drug required an individual application from the physician in charge of the patient to the National Board of Health .
5 This meant that reimbursement again required an individual application to the National Board of Health .
6 The National Board of Health estimates that the use of peptic ulcer drugs without application for partial compensation amounts to some 10% of the total use .
7 Aid has created such artificial divisions within what should be normal national programmes of health care or agriculture that it now obstructs the development of such programmes on a country-wide basis .
8 ii The National Study of Health and Growth ( NSHG ) , a surveillance study including , each year , around 9000 children aged 5–11 years , has previously reported results relating to two effects of passive smoking in children : firstly , a possible negative relation between children 's height and the reported number of cigarettes smoked by parents in the home , and secondly , a dose-response relation between prevalence of respiratory symptoms and parental smoking .
9 The national study of health and growth is an annual survey of children aged 5 to 11 years .
10 The 1991 edition of the NHS handbook has been published by the National Association of Health Authorities and Trusts ( NAHAT ) .
11 However , the report — commissioned by the National Association of Health Authorities and the Society of Family Practitioner Committees — warns that the main danger is a spiralling of demand for long-term residential care .
12 I remember in June going to Brighton for a meeting of the National Association of Health Authorities .
13 THE West Country , together with East Anglia , came out top in a recent satisfaction survey by the National Association of Health Authorities and Trusts .
14 The National Association of Health Authorities ( NAHA , 1988 ) described both concepts of the ‘ internal market ’ , — the Enthoven model and also another totally different model , ie ‘ Automatic and immediate cross-boundary flow reimbursement ’ , which it stated ‘ carries the internal market concept to its full fruition , involving transferring the initiative from the planners and treasurers , to the market customers ( ie patients ) and their advisers ( ie GPs ) with money following the patient ’ .
15 The survey of district managers — who are responsible for buying health care for the people in their area — by the National Association of Health Authorities and Trusts showed that : FEWER than half support the system of opt-out hospitals .
16 Extending prescription charges to the better-off old might bring in £350m a year , according to the National Association of Health Authorities and Trusts .
17 ] The National Association of Health Authorities ( NAHA , 1988 ) did in fact point to the two different concepts of the ‘ Internal Market ’ .
18 This and later chapters draw on research findings from a research project undertaken by the author together with colleagues in the National Association of Health Authorities and Trusts , and the Health Service Management Centre , University of Birmingham , on " Monitoring Managed Competition " .
19 A survey of 106 health authorities undertaken by the National Association of Health Authorities in 1987 showed that most were facing severe financial pressures and taking emergency measures to meet them , such as closing wards on a temporary basis , cancelling elective operations , drawing on reserves and delaying creditor payments .
20 The next section examines evidence drawn from a three-year monitoring study carried out by the author and colleagues in the National Association of Health Authorities and Trusts .
21 Mr Nichol gave details of the plans at a conference on managing the NHS reforms organised by the National Association of Health Authorities and Trusts .
22 FET has been instrumental in blocking experimental release of genetically engineered organisms into the environment ; has helped halt a BioWar facility in Utah : and has fought successful court battles with the US Department of Agriculture , the National Institute of Health , the Environmental Protection Agency and the Defence Department .
23 A recent study by INSERM , the national institute of health and medical research , revealed that French specialists are under-represented on the editorial boards of medical reviews in relation to the strength of French biomedical research .
24 The current state of regulation in the USA is discussed by Perpich ( 1989 ) who highlights the roles of the EPA , the Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) , the US Department of Agriculture ( USDA ) and the National Institute of Health ( NIH ) as well as the Biotechnology Science Coordinating Committee ( BSCC ) which was established in 1985 to formulate policies and coordinate the interests of the existing monitoring bodies in terms of public health and environmental implications .
25 Another approach to creating a user-friendly system has been worked on by Doszkocs at the National Institute of Health : CITE ( Current Information Transfer in English ) is a natural language query capability for the MEDLINE database .
26 But if a team of biotechnologists at the US National Institute of Health has its way , its retirement may be only temporary .
27 Public domain class libraries also will be part of the tool catalogue , the first to support ObjectStore being the libraries from the US National Institute of Health .
28 Peer review has been critically examined by Chubin and Hackett , in a study of data derived from NSF and National Institute of Health ( NIH ) procedures for reviewing grant proposals in the United States .
29 The CGR receives core-funding from the AFRC with additional contributions from , among others , the Human Frontiers Science Programme , the Medical Research Council , the Wellcome Trust , the US National Institute of Health , and the Cancer Research Campaign .
30 Both the American National Council Against Health Fraud and the British Health-Watch have attacked clinical ecologists , but some American critics have been sued under antitrust laws .
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