Example sentences of "much larger [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A 1982 survey , covering colleges alone ( and a much larger sample of them ) indicated that a much lower percentage used media in their orientation .
2 Kormendi and Meguire ( 1984 ) reach broadly the same conclusion using a similar model , but with a much larger sample of 47 countries .
3 What seems clear from the chart is that the real exchange rates have deviated by much larger amounts over the period 1978–88 than in the early years of floating .
4 The new digital telephone lines now becoming common have higher band width while special data links have still bigger band widths allowing much larger amounts of data to be transmitted per second .
5 But major eruptions involve much larger amounts of energy .
6 The most common for solid walls is the wall anchor , similar in principle to the wall plug , but utilising its own heavy-duty machine screw and requiring a much larger hole to be drilled in the wall ( typically 10mm compared with 6mm for most normal wall plugs ) .
7 Forster 's main concern is emotional freedom , and he has a much larger idea of it than Jane Austen .
8 This would concur with the conclusions of reviews of the much larger literature on support and health which does not specifically consider the effects of stress .
9 ‘ There 's a world market of over £100 million a year in clean technology and I want to see British industry winning a much larger share of it . ’
10 Through time wine has taken a much larger share of the domestic market .
11 Over the next few years , the coalition government worked on the framing of a federal law that laid the foundations of a much larger system of higher education — and opened the door to far more state control over the universities .
12 Hence , much larger areas of double-glazing than could formerly have been contemplated , consistent with maintaining comfort , may now be built into external walls .
13 In cities , poor families spend a much larger proportion on energy-often as much as 12–15 per cent of their income .
14 Chart 15 , from Karen Wruck at the Harvard Business School , shows part of the answer why : in a highly leveraged firm , default is triggered by the inability to meet payments to claimants accounting for a much larger proportion of the firm 's value than in a firm with more equity ; and the loss to creditors of failing to agree on new terms is thus potentially bigger .
15 Some of the provisions now under discussion will provide aid to a much larger proportion of farmers but the types of activity receiving aid will be re-orientated .
16 Some zones , notably Corby , Tyneside and the Isle of Dogs , have received a much larger proportion of total spending than have some of the later designations , such as Milford Haven , Scunthorpe — Glanford and Middlesbrough .
17 Curing the deficiency in this area , thirdly , is the necessary base for a much larger proportion of our age groups than at present ( about 15% ) to go on to advanced education — in both academic and especially applied studies .
18 When drawing children , you will find that the head takes up a much larger proportion of the height .
19 When drawing children , your will find that the head takes up a much larger proportion of the height .
20 When drawing children , you will find that the head takes up a much larger proportion of the height .
21 When drawing children , your will find that the head takes up a much larger proportion of the height .
22 Given the original form of recruitment of black workers and the operation of racial discrimination it is not surprising that a much larger proportion of black employees are manual workers than the white population in Britain .
23 This is a result of a number of factors such as the much larger proportion of part-time work , the artificial restriction of female overtime by male-dominated trade unions , and social measures against women at work in general .
24 However , the collocation dictionary extracted from the LOB consists of some 7,130 entries , and therefore covers a much larger proportion of the candidates in the data .
25 Countries in Eastern Europe , Canada and Australia have led the way in showing how competitions can be used as a genuine stimulus for a much larger proportion of the population .
26 Hence part of the challenge is to find ways to getting through to the uninitiated so that a much larger proportion of adults have some insight into what mathematics is about .
27 Certainly our brains occupy a much larger proportion of our body than elephants ' brains do , as is evident from the bulging shape of our skulls .
28 A much larger proportion of resources was earmarked for social development , and less emphasis was given to encouraging manufacturing investment by means of fiscal incentives .
29 Surviving written texts thus reflect ( directly or indirectly ) the concerns of a much larger proportion of the population than we have evidence for in the period before the ninth century .
30 One would hope that the recently formed Department of National Heritage , being a much larger ministry with more prestige and probably better staff , would help with that problem .
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