Example sentences of "most [prep] whom [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 The great British public , most of whom would have been hard pressed to name three members of the Cabinet of this or any administration , were pre-occupied with chasing the sun in one of the rainiest summers in recent years and took the loss of a junior minister with equanimity .
2 They could be constructed by random surveys of a general practitioner 's practice population ( culturally valid ) , most of whom would have had personal experience of common conditions .
3 Thus , after two days in which a negotiated settlement to the original squabble seemed possible , an ultimatum to the Vietminh to clear out of Haiphong in two hours led to a bombardment which must have killed at least 1,000 people , many if not most of whom would be described as innocent civilians .
4 The payment of social security benefits to millions of people , most of whom would otherwise have little or no income , injects massive amounts of money into the economy .
5 THE BLUEBIRD album is a collection of singing by men most of whom could n't , strictly , sing .
6 Thus two developments could threaten this society of thrifty peasants , most of whom could read and write : the division of holdings — a process that custom prevented in the Basque Provinces — and an assault on the commons that created and sustained the municipal community and the egalitarian society .
7 One approach is to oppose the peasantry to the rest of the population , most of whom can be loosely described as labourers , and then to identify élites which stood above the mass of the people .
8 There is a captive audience , most of whom can understand the relevance of the message , and many are prepared to participate as they await their flight .
9 Although there is no animosity between the players , most of whom can see the benefits of joining forces , there remains a strong rivalry between those few people in either camp who have resisted amalgamation .
10 3,000 youngsters , approximately , will participate and audiences are likely to run at around 15,000 , most of whom will be young people .
11 That for 1983–88 involves the resettlement of 1.2 million families , most of whom will be engaged in agriculture , bringing the total number of resettled people to 3.6 million ( Earth Report 1988 ) .
12 But an open door policy is simply not cost-effective — to have two or three staff spending all their time in meetings with bands , most of whom will not be appropriate . ’
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