Example sentences of "small [noun sg] of cases " in BNC.

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1 In a small proportion of cases children give their parents financial support ( Qureshi , 1986 ; Qureshi and Simons , 1987 ) .
2 If the function of the leave requirement is to weed out unarguable or vexatious cases it might be expected that only a small proportion of cases would fail at this stage .
3 Possibly for that reason , and certainly for others , minimum recommendations came to be made in only a small proportion of cases .
4 In a very small percentage of cases someone was described as having been a Free Presbyterian .
5 It is important that all the possibly infected sites are sampled , since in a small percentage of cases of gonorrhoea the rectum or urethra may be the only site involved .
6 However , most researchers agree that the multiple stress of all these factors cause tree damage and , in a small percentage of cases , tree death .
7 The examples of threatened buildings and open spaces covered in the next eighteen sections are just a very small selection of cases with which SAVE has been involved .
8 Pouchitis usually responds well to treatment with antibiotics , but in a small subset of cases the inflammation is clinically severe , endoscopically atypical , and relatively refractory to conventional treatment .
9 Nevertheless , unfairly dismissed employees are only awarded re-employment in a very small minority of cases .
10 But they would help to reduce still further that small minority of cases where a customer is turned away when he would not have been , given careful objective reflection ; or where the customer mistakenly feels aggrieved at what is in truth a fair decision .
11 The predominance of a small minority of cases is further illustrated if we use two further measures of the extent of the coverage in addition to the gross number of reports , that of the number of days and the number of pages in which each rape case is featured .
12 In a small minority of cases it may be that an employer and 1 future employee find each other through Work Experience .
13 There is ample evidence that tied cottages have been used oppressively by farmers in the past in order , for example , to strangle incipient trade unionism in the countryside , bit except in a small minority of cases it is no longer used as an oppressive weapon of petty political domination : rather it is the carrot which will tempt the farm worker to accept a low wage .
14 Sir Patrick said that analysis backed up the view of Lord Colville , who conducted the review of the emergency laws , that only a small minority of cases involved allegations of police assaults inside the holding centres .
15 M paratuberculosis has been cultured from Crohn 's disease tissues but only after prolonged incubation and only in a very small minority of cases .
16 A further reason for the small number of appeals is that there is only a small pool of cases involving principally the interpretation of legislation or the resolution of conflicting cases .
17 ‘ Softer ’ data were , however , gathered : interviews were held on a small number of cases , and a single case-example was further explored through the use of a vignette based on an actual case from another area , a technique which may be further developed in future work .
18 The vast majority are performed long before a nervous system is present and in the small number of cases where this is not so , the animal is anaesthetized .
19 Because of the relatively small number of cases , when two description types are the same .
20 In a small number of cases , however , the virus can persist in the body for several years , eventually causing a disease called sub-acute sclerosing pan-encephalitis ( SSPE ) .
21 In a small number of cases the JMU 's evidence has been such that the committee has decided the firm should not be registered , or that registration should be granted , but with restrictive conditions ( where , for example , a partner may be precluded from acting as a ‘ responsible individual ’ ) .
22 In a small number of cases the defendant will have deliberately driven without a licence because he ca n't pass a test ; he is a visitor to Britain and because he has been granted leave to stay , he now requires a licence etc. , i.e. within 12 months for a visitor .
23 The numbers of patients with MI and controls included in this analysis of the ACE gene polymorphism were , respectively , 201 and 180 from Belfast , 58 and 148 from Lille ( the relatively small number of cases in this centre was due to unexpected difficulties of recruitment ) , 204 and 194 from Strasbourg , and 147 and 211 from Toulouse .
24 This examination of the range and extent of sex crime reporting shows both how pervasive sexual violence has become as a news item , and also how only a very small number of cases are selected as being ‘ newsworthy ’ .
25 This is a remarkably small number of cases and needs further examination .
26 In addition to Health Secretary Virginia Bottomley 's well publicised and controversial statement that elder abuse was not a ‘ major problem ’ is the worrying view from junior health minister Tim Yeo who said last year : ‘ In a very small number of cases the carer can not cope and responds with violence . ’
27 Further assessment of this problem was not possible because of the small number of cases but knowledge of histological type could further assist in determining the sensitivity of this method .
28 The restructuring approach tended to focus more on detailed investigation of what had been happening in a small number of cases , in a particular industry perhaps .
29 ‘ Harsh ’ treatment was observed in only a small number of cases ( 18 per cent. ) and was usually attributable to particular benches .
30 I acknowledge that experience has shown that local authority councillors have not sought to assert the right to sue in libel , save in a very small number of cases .
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