Example sentences of "although he admit [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Mr. Mahmoud thought they were worth something like £60,000 , although he admitted that to realise that sum would require careful and skilled marketing .
2 Sir John condemned large advances for authors as ‘ sheer folly ’ ( although he admitted that while they were still common practice he was more than happy to receive one ) , and wondered whether as more publishers ‘ linked into bookshops ’ EPOS systems via EDI there would still be a long-term need for wholesalers ’ .
3 But Christian soon made it clear that his plans had nothing to do with the fire at the manor , although he admitted that Tom being placed in charge of the manor farm did affect what he had in mind .
4 Sick also suggested that several people claimed to have seen Bush at the Paris meeting , although he admitted that he was not yet convinced of the veracity of this aspect of the affair .
5 Although he admitted that the issue is ‘ far from the most pressing matter facing the nation ’ , its inclusion in the campaign speech appeared to be designed to draw public attention away from Australia 's economic problems .
6 He had never been taught to draw although he admits that to him it is ‘ as natural as breathing .
7 Box ( 1987 ) argues that crimes committed by corporations , businesses and professions are likely to increase in times of economic recession although he admits that the evidence is less strong than for ‘ conventional ’ crimes ( see Chapter Four ) .
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