Example sentences of "to have happened [be] [that] " in BNC.

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1 What seems to have happened is that the distinction , drawn perhaps from one of the few classical instances ( of Ulpian or Papinian ) , was seized on by epi-classical law and later adopted as a post-classical touchstone .
2 What seems to have happened is that they have internalised the negative images that are attributed to black people and do not feel that they should identify with them .
3 Instead what seems to have happened is that groups of adults have sat around in various political and educational ivory towers , deciding in an arbitrary and subjective manner what they think a 14-year-old should be able to achieve .
4 ‘ What appears to have happened is that the resident mixed two household substances , which should not have been mixed , ’ said the council spokesman .
5 More than 20 plasterers were resident in Bristol in these years and what seems to have happened was that the two Tyndalls brooded over rolls of Chinese wallpaper and popular books of decorative devices like The Modern Builder 's Assistant ( 1757 ) , picking up and choosing the themes and the motifs that pleased them .
6 What seemed to have happened was that Scotland 's economic cycle had gradually moved out of synchronisation with the national one .
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