Example sentences of "always be regarded [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Once convinced , however , that no major philosophical change was involved , but merely the identification by reference to more sophisticated criteria of what has always been regarded as death , medical lawyers have increasingly come to accept brain-stem death as the legal description also .
2 IT HAS always been regarded as a guilty but harmless secret shared by thousands of women .
3 Throughout the Far East , the tiger has always been regarded as an animal of magical properties .
4 Because English solicitors have always been regarded as ‘ competent persons ’ in this and similar contexts , the familiar common law practice of effecting service via a solicitor in the state of destination is in fact covered by this provision , but it is very doubtful if this strikes the consciousness of anyone concerned in the operation .
5 Priests have always been regarded as healers of the mind , and even their modern equivalents in the psychoanalytic movement are similarly preoccupied with the dreams of their patients .
6 A lifelong supporter , I have always been regarded as a tactical genius by the Duck and Forceps regulars and , from day one , my appointment has brought renewed hope to the terraces .
7 Prior consultation and participative decision-making has not always been regarded as a right but teachers ' involvement should be regarded as a professional entitlement .
8 For example , the distribution of the labour force between agriculture and industry has always been regarded as an important indicator of economic growth , if not precisely development , because most of the present advanced industrial societies , in particular the United Kingdom and the United States , exhibited a marked tendency to reduce their agricultural labour force while increasing their industrial labour force .
9 However , fresh food , and food consumed which has been prepared and cooked by others , must always be regarded as a potential source of infection .
10 It can not be stated too strongly that sterilisation should always be regarded as a permanent step .
11 Unfortunately the friend is anonymous , and Young , that strangely and personally chosen official biographer , can not always be regarded as a witness either of truth or charity .
12 A single death should always be regarded as possible cause for concern , but unless further cases occur you can regard it as just one of those things .
13 It should be noted that AS levels in modern languages may not always be regarded as satisfying faculty and course entry requirements ; applicants offering these qualifications are advised to consult the Faculty Office .
14 There is never any respect for an angler who says he ‘ estimated ’ the fish at such and such a weight , for his catches will always be regarded with suspicion , to say the least .
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