Example sentences of "went to the door " in BNC.

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1 Allan Stewart went to the door .
2 Then , with the same shocking slowness , without a word , without looking at anyone , she went to the door , opened it , and let it close softly behind her .
3 Wexford went to the door and the dog screamed for joy .
4 He went to the door where the sunshine showed off his elegant figure and absence of paunch to best advantage .
5 Fritz scurried off and returned with a reluctant Paul and they went to the door .
6 He went to the door and opened it .
7 It was a couple of days later that I was alone in my flat in the evening and there was a knock on the door , I went to the door and opened it and there were about 10 people with an assortment of musical instruments — quite merry on this and that .
8 Philip went to the door as his Dad came in .
9 Gaily went to the door .
10 At the end of the song she rose from the couch and went to the door , hesitated , did not open it , and then returned to the window-seat .
11 Patrick rose obediently and went to the door .
12 We went to the door .
13 His eyes went to the door and returned .
14 The man picked up his bag and went to the door .
15 Then she picked up the dirty washing and went to the door .
16 She got up and went to the door .
17 He went to the door , opened it and looked down the steps expecting to see the burly figure of the constable emerge and climb the steps to meet him , but to John 's surprise there was nobody at all .
18 Jim thought , ‘ Hello , is someone coming up to keep me company ? ’ and went to the door and looked out down the steps .
19 He gave me a sideways look that was curiously disconcerting , and went to the door .
20 Yashkin turned and went to the door , the small stamping machine now back in a small box and in his pocket .
21 She turned the volume down instead of up and went to the door , which she 'd dutifully bolted and chained .
22 When he staggered out at Swiss Cottage the youngest and tallest of them went to the door , apparently to check that he did not re-enter the train .
23 Their visitor turned on her heel and went to the door where she turned back to hold the broken doll up to Artemis .
24 She went to the door of the room Alice had been in , and lifted her hand as if to knock .
25 Andrew and Virginia watched numbly as Horatia went to the door , returning a moment or two later with a small boy with silver-gold hair and eyes the colour of aquamarines .
26 She got up off the bed and went to the door , her heart thumping wildly .
27 Andrée got up and went to the door .
28 He went to the door , and then turned round and said simply , " You know , I like you .
29 He watched the house for ten minutes or more , but saw no sign of movement so he simply went to the door and knocked .
30 When I went to the door with my lamp , I saw a man coming slowly upstairs .
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