Example sentences of "whose [noun] it [be] " in BNC.

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1 Its tree-like structures provide shelters for the polyps , the anemone-like organisms from whose secretions it is built .
2 ‘ It depends on whose money it is , ’ he said .
3 The client , whose money it is , has the final say .
4 The idea seems self-evident : a local authority occupies a position of trust , or a fiduciary duty , in relation to the ratepayers whose money it is using , and who are the beneficiaries of the services being provided .
5 Complaint may be made to the local authority environmental health department whose responsibility it is under s.91 of the Public Health Act 1936 to inspect their areas for the detection of nuisance and institute formal proceedings either summarily or in the High Court , where , in their opinion , the odour complained of amounts to a statutory nuisance within s.92 of that Act .
6 As the purpose of teaching is to produce a planned change in students , it is essential that those whose responsibility it is to produce the change should be clear not only about their intentions but about the assumptions on which those intentions are based .
7 Any repairs or replacements or renewals of furnishings are noted on the cards , and they are constantly referred to by the housekeeping and maintenance departments , whose responsibility it is to see that the room is maintained to the required standard .
8 Communal drains save time and money when several houses are being built together , but there can be a problem sorting out whose responsibility it is when something goes wrong .
9 Er , Madam Speaker I 'm very much aware of the case that the my honourable friend has er mentioned because he has written to me er about it and I have looked into the circumstances er of it and I understand that the employment service have made no final decision on that particular site and I 'd be happy to respond to my honourable friend er once I 've had a chance to discuss it further with the Chief Executive of the employment service whose responsibility it is but if I could just say to my honourable friend the principle of integrating er the work of the job centre and the payment of benefits on one site is a good one which is for the convenience of er people who make use of the job centres er and er as er er the honourable er gentleman , the member for Workington is indicating from a sedentary position , was a recommendation which was supported by the public accounts er committee and I believe and I believe that it er makes sense to proceed on a value for money basis with this policy but I will certainly look at the particular example in my honourable friend 's constituency with interest .
10 Contractors and skip firms should not deliver skips to customers unless the customer ( whose responsibility it is ) has obtained a permit from the roads department .
11 Rather important that one you know , a street lamp out for six weeks , though I know it 's difficult getting in touch with exactly the right department and whose responsibility it is .
12 His approximate area of operation then became known to Rear-Admiral Sir Christopher Cradock , whose responsibility it was to guard the southern tip of South America .
13 We have only to look back to the debates about language across the curriculum to remember the puerile arguments over whose responsibility it was to teach language skills .
14 Before this , the judges themselves , and especially the Master of the Rolls , whose responsibility it was seen to be , considered and made the necessary recommendations to the Department on the staffing and other administrative arrangements of the courts .
15 Women , whose responsibility it was to look after the family budget , were notoriously reluctant to incur the additional expense of a doctor 's bill on their own account .
16 Mr Warburton , whose responsibility it was to run an efficient , economic , and safe railway , had considered the CIOR 's embargo to be prohibitive and had issued his own perceived clarification of it to regional managers before the meeting at which the new Newton lay-out was approved .
17 Yeah but it depends whose hair it is .
18 A case of gamekeeper turned poacher , given that she had been a fast-stream entrant to the Treasury , much of whose function it is to resist that sort of demand . ’
19 One of the remarkable features of Troilus and Cressida is that Shakespeare has developed , out of sources as diverse as Chaucer and Chapman 's Homer , two prose characters , one for the Trojan , one for the Greek camp , whose function it is to reduce the two great themes of epic , love and war , to their lowest common denominator : appetite .
20 It is an increasingly competitive market and conference organisers whose function it is to provide complete package deals for buyers are continually looking for new hotels and venues that can provide something different every year .
21 In addition to the various extrinsic leg-muscles mentioned above , whose function it is to move the whole limb , there are also muscles lying within the segments of the leg .
22 The environmental panic is heaven for the high priests of advertising whose function it is to capitalize on fears and desires .
23 Attribute data is most often obtained in computer-readable form direct from agencies whose function it is to collect and distribute such data .
24 Antonio Gramsci , who spent most of his adult life in one of Mussolini 's prisons , elaborated on Marx 's insight that the ruling ideas of an epoch are the ideas of its ruling class , to create a theory of hegemony and a theory of classes of intellectuals whose function it is in any literate society to propagate or to challenge these leading ideas .
25 He would have understood , too , the presence at Norman and Angevin courts of clerks whose function it was to extol the deeds of their princes .
26 These included minimizing the deployment of the plainclothes units — the so-called " Skeleton Corps " — whose function it was to pursue and arrest protesters , reducing the use of tear gas , and prohibiting the use by riot police of equipment ( such as steel pipes ) other than that which had been officially provided .
27 Thus it can be argued that although the courts proclaim that in reviewing the decisions of an administrative body they are merely attempting to keep the body within the jurisdiction conferred upon it by Parliament , in fact they do sometimes explicitly justify their decisions by reference to the expertise or lack of expertise of the body whose decision it is sought to review .
28 And since each book here can be traced to those whose decision it was to discard , it is important to emphasise that no personal blame is implied , and that the responsibility for what occurred is not his necessarily , but of those who employed him .
29 Without the prior written consent of KPMG Peat Marwick , which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed if such announcement or disclosure is required by law or by any supervisory or regulatory body with whose rules it is necessary for you to comply , you will not , and will direct your Representatives not to , make any announcements or disclose to any person either the fact that discussions or negotiations are taking place concerning a possible transaction in respect of the Company , or any of the terms , conditions or other facts with respect of the Company , or any of the terms , conditions or other facts with respect to any such possible transaction , including the status thereof .
30 So I do n't know whose pound it was .
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