Example sentences of "range of [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 One must ask what range of phenomena one wishes to study and thus what values the relevant non-dimensional parameters should have .
2 Grupo Cruzcampo has an extensive range of brands which , apart from the main Cruzcampo , Alcázar and Carlsberg brands , also includes Keler , Estrella del Sur , Elephant , Henninger , Oro Lujo , El Léon , Victoria , Calatrava , Skol and Grolsch .
3 Individual and covert arrangements offer help and guidance to a favoured minority in overcoming a range of obstacles which nevertheless are faced by all .
4 Some of this exuberance was tempered in time by a greater appreciation of just how much of the world economy would have to be rebuilt after the war , and of the range of obstacles which stood in the way of the realization of the dream of " unhampered trade " .
5 Lafuma also make a wide range of seating which is suitable .
6 From an old book of local walks I read of a route up the Remarkables , the jagged range of peaks which overshadow Queenstown across the lake , and which rise to nearly 8,000 feet .
7 To meet these needs we have a wide range of plans which can be adapted to suit individual means and requirements .
8 It will therefore be wise to record details of job changes and about leavers No doubt there are gaps in my scenario , but the range of activity I have described provides ample scope for the beneficial use of computers , so let us see how they can be used In doing so I shall make particular reference to the value of microcomputers .
9 For example , as it is very time-consuming to produce a teaching unit , one approach would be only to accept an idea if it could produce a unit that ; ( i ) can be used by a wide range of teachers whose style of teaching varies a great deal ( ii ) can be of use to a wide age-range of pupils ( iii ) can be of use to a wide ability-range of pupils ( iv ) can encourage work on concepts as well as on content ( v ) may be of use in more than one subject discipline ( vi ) is suitable for demonstration mode with a large class ( vii ) is suitable for small groups or individuals to use ( viii ) can be used to produce further teaching materials ( ix ) can be used in teacher-training .
10 The second feature which offers the possibility of overcoming the problem of how to incorporate the rich and exciting range of activities we would like , is the move to planning the curriculum as a progression of learning from 5–16 ( hopefully eventually 3–21 ) .
11 The range of tools found on these farms is often limited and unrepresentative of the range of activities we know took place .
12 The Situationists ' activities within the cultural sphere constituted an attempt to create a unified range of activities which functioned as a radical critique of the conventional boundaries between specialisations embedded in the institutions , practices and agencies of modern life .
13 It can be applied to a range of activities which may vary in cost and scale and necessitate planning over differing time spans .
14 In an earlier section of this chapter , a great range of activities which individuals carry out in maintaining a safe environment were mentioned in relation to preventing accidents in the home , at work , at play and while travelling .
15 The many levels and manifestations of town twinning , as developed by the twinning committee , have much in common with the variety and range of activities which might be shared between a college or school and a company , as developed by the partnership committee .
16 Since the end of the Second World War , state institutions have extended their influence over a whole range of activities which touch individual lives .
17 During your course you will be involved in a wide range of activities which will involve you in meetings both formal and informal .
18 In fulfilling its primary objective of securing improvements in animal welfare , the Foundation pursues a range of activities which fall broadly into two categories : scientific research and education .
19 SCAN of substantial lesson segments taking in the range of activities which occur ( see page 51 )
20 Learning is therefore seen as experiential , so that the content of the curriculum will consist in a range of activities which present the learner with opportunities for knowing .
21 Fifth and finally , the NCRA and the block exemption differ in the range of activities which cooperating firms are allowed to undertake , the latter being rather more inclusive than the former while not , however , allowing firms to undertake joint marketing of the product of co-operative R&D projects .
22 Not surprisingly , different viewpoints have emerged over the range of activities which can be justified under the name of academic freedom , over the kinds of threat which are most felt to be present , over the circumstances in which appeal can be made to academic freedom , and over the justifications which academics employ to claim a right to ‘ academic freedom ’ .
23 Over a number of years AEA has been actively transferring technology developed in other sectors into the area of healthcare , where we are involved in a wide range of activities which include the development and full-scale clinical trials of new medical products .
24 Differences arise virtually throughout the range of activities which would normally be associated with the practice of management accounting .
25 Level II recognises competence in a more demanding range of activities which require a degree of individual responsibility .
26 Children will find a full range of activities which will help them to make sense of the world in which they live .
27 A related difficulty with the concept of informal sector arises from the range of activities it covers .
28 As well as developing modes of assessment which covered a range of activities it was intended to begin the development with more formal group tests and later work towards more informal individual assessments , particularly in liaison group schools .
29 Goffman 's emphasis is upon a wide range of cues which tell us what kind of activity or behaviour we are engaged in .
30 Instrumental neutron activation is still selected most frequently because of its sensitivity , accuracy and the wide range of elements which can be measured in a single sample .
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