Example sentences of "century [det] [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 But by the ninth century this had degenerated into gross confusion , under cover of which the worship of Baal-Melqart , the official god of Tyre , had crept in and was widely corrupting faith in God .
2 There had been a surge in provision between 1710 and 1725 , indicating the influence of the Charity School Movement on a county adjacent to London , but by mid century this had given way to a pattern of augmentary endowments to already established schools and there was no fresh surge until 1780 – 90 .
3 Since the middle of the nineteenth century this has produced a persistent surplus of population in the countryside with a consequent depression of wage levels-Rural depopulation has rarely proceeded on a scale to compensate for the reduced demand for labour in rural areas and neither has the demand for labour in the countryside been adequately stimulated by the provision of sufficient alternative employment opportunities to agriculture .
4 During the present century these have gained broad access to the policy process within the state .
5 Their alternative name , Vlah ( Wallachian ) , suggests their origin but by the nineteenth century most had become Hellenised , speaking and acting as intermediaries between the Greek clergy and their Serbian parish priests .
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