Example sentences of "shall [verb] my [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This at once opens up a huge field of enquiry , but since our concern here is with literary theory , I shall restrict my discussion to structuralism 's contribution to the study of literature and , in doing so , unfortunately run the risk of understating the effects of the new pluridisciplinarity on the approach to literature .
2 I shall throw my bouquet to one of you at the wedding and who knows , there might be another wedding in the not too distant future for somebody .
3 ‘ I can tell you , ’ said Bobbie , as Juliet recorded her findings , ‘ I shall treat my legs with a lot more respect after this ! ’
4 Next time my instinct for a holiday , as it does in so much else , cries for something hot and cheap , I shall stay my hand .
5 Quietly , choosing my time , I shall make my way to the Garden Tower and try to gain access to the upper chamber . ’
6 I have given up all idea now of going to Kings and shall make my way across the Island as quickly as I can making a call or two on the way .
7 We shall contrive some way however to get me down to Maitland town and the end of the week , when I shall make my way to Hobart Town the best way I can .
8 And my Will is that William Moore ( Carpenter if living ) shall make my Coffin and that the same shall be covered with Black Cloth and nailed with White Nails and to be of the value of Five Pounds or thereabouts .
9 I shall enjoy my cigar . ’
10 ‘ Are n't you afraid I shall alert my neighbours ? ’ she said as , taking her key , he locked the door behind them .
11 ‘ T is not your whore 's milk that shall quench my wildfire , But your whore 's blood .
12 In this chapter , I am mainly concerned with analytic methods , and in succeeding chapters with interpretation ; I shall confine my remarks about collection and classification to those points that affect the interpretation of the findings .
13 I sought guidance earlier , Mr. Deputy Speaker , and was advised that one could speak on anything in the Queen 's Speech , but if that is incorrect I shall confine my remarks to the council tax .
14 I shall consider my position tomorrow on Third Reading in the light of what transpires when the House divides this evening .
15 You shall bear your iniquity , ’ he continues , ‘ forty years , and you shall know my displeasure . ’
16 I shall base my account largely on what secondary schoolteachers have to say , though I have found that the picture is easily recognizable , with some modification to the details , by those working in both primary and further and higher education as well .
17 I shall fetch my coat .
18 ‘ I shall give my answer tonight , ’ he announced with deliberation .
19 ‘ I shall kill you , ’ Jotan said , ‘ or I shall give my sword to this gentleman whom you were hired to kill , and he will do it . ’
20 The Labour party is a democratic one and I shall exert my influence , such as it is , to maintain the case that we do not need Trident .
21 ‘ Go and tell that fox : ‘ I am driving out demons and performing cures today and tomorrow , and on the third day I shall finish my work ! ’
22 ‘ And remember , I shall send my share of the Emigrant Society 's dues every quarter out of my wages .
23 I shall relinquish my claim .
24 Then I shall curtail my comments on British Rail and deal only with local government finance .
25 I shall confirm my certainty that all forms of intervention and pain relief equal failure , and that bottle feeding is naughty , lazy and dangerous .
26 I stand by what I said — I shall do my utmost to get a decision by the end of February .
27 ‘ Whatever happens , ’ Brigadier Fowler-Thrown said , ‘ You may be sure I shall do my duty . ’
28 I shall ascend my funeral pile triumpantus and exult in the agony of the torturing flames . ’
29 I shall limit my discussion of Richards 's views to these four books , both for the sake of clarity and simplicity , and because they were the most influential of his writings .
30 The manner in which we used the social network variable has been fully described elsewhere ( L. Milroy , 1987 ) , and I shall limit my comments here to the question of focusing , stability and normenforcement .
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