Example sentences of "make it [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You 'd think they 'd bottle it , make it last over the weeks or months , but they 're simple people , and there 's no holding them back .
2 I 've bought all sorts really , but normally in the first week or two of getting paid , I 'd buy a gram or whatever and make it last for four or five days , so I 'd sort of have a quarter a day out of it .
3 If you do not feel the tinkling , repeat the hum but make it lower in pitch .
4 Make it do for now , ’ I said .
5 Oh Setver that 's the thing that make it pretend to not be the
6 And I 'm going to have this white frill sp er erm roll , and I 'm going to roll the fabric I 'm going to leave all the pleating , not cut into that , but cut the valance platform and fold it over if you understand me and make it go over the the pole .
7 So make it compete with outsiders .
8 And I 'm angry that I 'm not doing anything , ’ so I thought maybe for once I could use my name — my fame — in a constructive way and maybe make it heard above that dreadful silence .
9 Er the only thing that I have not handed you is the Labour resolution which er twice mentions demands now although I 'm supporting this strong report here , I think it 's a mistake to demand things , it is , it does n't put people in a very good frame of mind to coax them but and I would ask the er Miss who I think we 're going to vote for this , whether she would consider changing to request , because I think we going to the situation where we make it known to the Department of Transport that we 're a string of such like , we do n't to upset them any more , I think that we requested that we answer is we would actually get a result in one .
10 Their activity amazed and baffled even the sceptical Bernier : ‘ They tell any person his thoughts , cause the branch of a tree to blossom and to bear fruit within an hour , hatch an egg in their bosom within fifteen minutes , producing what ever bird may be demanded , and make it fly around the room . ’
11 You could use far more colour , make it bright and cheerful , make it yell at me , come on Mrs mark me , I dare you .
12 They remember that and they love you for it even more , so when you go back , you have this staunch hard core group of fans that really bring things like that to a head , that really make it happen for you .
13 Shopping at your local garden centre or leafing through the pages of catalogues can be a good place to start , whether you are buying for people who prefer to read about the possibilities of beautiful plantings or for those who actually get out there and make it happen in their own gardens .
14 Do n't let anxiety rule your life — at our special one-day workshop you 'll learn how to control stress and make it work for you
15 As a mature student I found it difficult at first to work on my own or in groups but now that the course is settling down , I feel that I will be able to tackle most tasks in business because we have had to learn to look for information and assimilate it so that we make it work for us .
16 Most specialists advise sizing the CHP unit to cope with regular peak demand , make it work like crazy as Murrell suggests , and use current from the grid when demand outstrips the generator 's capacity .
17 Also , Bourdieu 's presuppositions make it seem as if a rational way forward is more or less ruled out in the political field .
18 I 'm ready to believe yowl admit of their recommendations all I presume to say of him is that he writes me he shall be really dilligent and the enclosed specimens he has grown which I hope yowl puruse make it look as if he would prove so .
19 ‘ Oh techniques of surveillance , when you 're sitting alone in a car you move into the passenger seat , make it look as if you 're waiting for the driver to come back … the trouble is , I never got a posting where I had to use it . ’
20 Essential you make it look like an accident … ’
21 Its colouration — light brown with dark brown/black irregular flecks and blotches , make it look like a piece of wood , hence its common name .
22 Make it look like that , ’ they would say , pointing to one of his sample pages , and that is what it would look like .
23 On the northern coalfield the rejection of badly filled corves on the grounds that they had been deliberately underfilled — " they will sometimes be so roguish as to set these big coals hollow at the Corfe bottom , and cover them with some small coals at the top of the Corves , and make it look like a full Corfe " — was a long-running grievance which led to a strike at one mine in 1751 .
24 They make it look like a ship with waiters like pirates singing shanties into your clam chowder .
25 Once that knowledge is gained , it can be used to explain events in the natural world , to make predictions about what will happen in the natural world , and thus to control that world and make it behave in ways that are , at least in theory , to the advantage of the controllers .
26 It was hard enough to stare at his photograph and make it come to life , but it was impossible to imagine the figure in the picture living in the sort of conditions which Normandin and others had described .
27 Good luck Simon and I hope you make it to tread on the hallowed turf .
28 I hope you make it to tread on the hallowed turf .
29 Do n't keep using expressions such as ‘ You know ’ , ‘ Like ’ , ‘ Er … ’ or ‘ Um … ’ — they all make it sound as if you do n't really know what you 're talking about .
30 ‘ No , but you make it sound as if it 's a bit tasteless . ’
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