Example sentences of "taking [pos pn] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 " I have , of course , contributed to the difficulty by taking my suspicions to the police — I ca n't blame you for wanting to get to the bottom of things .
2 As a child , I thought about this a good deal and my father would often invite me to feel the holes in his head — taking my fingers in his hand and guiding them to the slight depressions under his vaselined hair .
3 ‘ I shall not be taking my holidays in Sardinia , ’ Taylor quipped .
4 I 'm killing all these plants by taking my students to Land 's End , I must do something about it .
5 Apart from helping read my mail , taking my letters to the Post Office and even giving me weather reports , he is always cheerful .
6 Finally , without taking my eyes off the flowers , I may move the vase closer , or walk around the table and look at the flowers from different angles .
7 A waiter was approaching from behind her , I noticed , without taking my eyes off hers ; I felt the grin broaden on my lips .
8 I knew that , as I had no intention of taking my eyes off it .
9 I was me and it was both frightening and exciting , like driving very fast round a precipitous bend with someone now and again taking my hands off the wheel and forcing me to trust .
10 Well I actually rang them up to say , why why are you taking my wages into consideration , I did n't break up this marriage , I met him a long time afterwards an I was told by a C S A agent or clerk or whatever , that my wedding was nonessential spending .
11 Emily had become accustomed to taking her meals with Letty ; there was no dining-room in her lodgings , only one small sitting-room apart from the two bedrooms and it was convenient to eat in the kitchen , keeping the sitting-room as an office .
12 ‘ Find your courage , sweet Jenna , ’ he said softly , taking her shoulders in strong , warm hands .
13 Like Diane Barker , of Bishop Auckland , a deaf teenager who passed her test first time in 1984 after having special mirrors fitted so she could lip read commands from the driving instructor without taking her eyes of the road .
14 The mare moved restlessly round her box , not taking her eyes off him .
15 ‘ Throw me out , ’ said Kelly without taking her eyes off Broom-Parker , ‘ and the whiskers come too .
16 ‘ How did it look ? ’ she asked Morris , not taking her eyes off the screen .
17 Helen , never taking her eyes off Alexandra , craned sideways so that she could wind a finger round and round in a hole in her black stocking .
18 Tricia backed her way out , never taking her eyes off me or letting her bearings slip .
19 I 've settled with her ; she knows her place , ’ Rose said over her shoulder , not taking her eyes off Coffin 's face .
20 Jess spoke fiercely , not taking her eyes from the raddled face , daring her to deny it .
21 Taking her eyes from the man onstage , she gave the punters a swift once-over .
22 Pushing it back on to the desk without taking her eyes from it , she said , ‘ I do n't quite see .
23 Gingerly she lowered the sweet-tempered child into the cot , not taking her eyes from her exquisite face , Ruth stood gripping the sides of the cot with fingers whitened in an attempt at stopping them shaking .
24 A parent who was taking her children to school noted down the number plate .
25 ‘ Maggie , I 'm so awfully sorry to hear your news , ’ he said , taking her hands in his and squeezing them .
26 ‘ He 's the luckiest devil in the world , ’ he told her sincerely , taking her hands in his .
27 He stopped her , taking her hands in his .
28 ‘ Mr and Mrs Gould are now in the Colony ’ proclaimed the Hobart Town Courier , ‘ to which they have come at great expense and sacrifice of comfort , purely with the view of making this work [ Birds of Australia ] still more valuable by taking their drawings from living specimens .
29 Teesdale cattle farmers now face the more expensive journeys of taking their steers to Darlington , Bishop Auckland and Tow Law .
30 Most MTV Hollywood films are just trailers with delusions of grandeur , taking their cues from pop videos and ads in an attempt to accommodate a generation raised on channel hopping and the fast-forward button .
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