Example sentences of "taking [pos pn] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He sits wreathed in smoke , taking my confession like a Catholic priest .
2 ‘ Someone taking my name in vain ? ’ asked Penry , coming into the room .
3 ‘ All the more reason for me to start taking my share of the load as soon as possible . ’
4 ‘ I see my role as being a catalyst for change , for getting the job done , so that means working as an integral member of the production team : joining the morning production meeting and taking my turn on the duty rota . ’
5 I wiped my eyes and felt a bit better , knowing that Granny was taking my message with her to heaven .
6 My father had another , everything was okay if you came out at any time after the thirty first of March , look all I 'm doing now is I was giving back , er taking my position as the company director , getting a salary off the rent in my farms and small holdings and my shares in shipping .
7 The group instinctively rose to their feet , but John said in a firm voice , ‘ You are not taking my wife up the stairs .
8 Taking my cue from her collaborations with David Steele and Andy Cox of the Fine Young Cannibals ( who have produced three tracks for the album ) , I suggest that eventually she may be drawn beyond the usual limits of rap , towards creating real verse and chorus songs .
9 I smiled , and taking my cue from Reid added : ‘ I hope I can be of service to Koraloona , Princess . ’
10 ‘ I intend taking my case to an industrial tribunal . ’
11 I 'm just taking my case to that hotel .
12 I wo n't be there Friday afternoon since I 'm taking my son to the dentist .
13 One fine and gloomy night , while taking my body for a walk past many soothingly whispery hedgerow growths , my eyes noticed a bungalow porch light which dictated the policy of activity in its immediate region .
14 And with the usual loud-mouthed flourish he marched off to the lavatory taking my book with him .
15 He sat down on the floor and , taking my hand in his , curled his fingers like bindweed around mine .
16 As luck would have it , Sophie had had no arrangement of her own for this evening , and , either forgetting our pact , or not taking my need for it seriously as she knew my activities were , on her terms , so innocent , had dropped in to borrow some coffee .
17 Taking my arm as if in apology for a moment 's neglect , Byron said , ‘ My dear Bodenland , you must be acquainted with my fellow reprobate and exile . ’
18 Sweets , as you 'd expect , but also arcade games , and ’ taking my girlfriend to the pictures ’
19 A police car streaked by on the relatively traffic-free side of the M4 , its siren 's wail mournful , and the flashing light replaced the sodium yellow filling the car taking my mind to another time .
20 Taking my place on the touchline , I noticed as we kicked off the reassuring sight of Ken Mentle in the grandstand giving me the thumbs up before disappearing through his tip-up seat .
21 This was all happening while I was walking through the bus station and taking my place in the queue ; and when I gained my seat I began looking in my bag for a piece of paper and a biro , and then , on the inside of a chocolate-bar wrapping I wrote what I must memorize and recite if I were to get the message over to the doctor — I , who even made heavy weather of describing a sore throat ; I , who after a period in the waiting-room could dry up so as to be virtually dumb .
22 After that by-election , I remember taking my place in this House and walking nervously towards Mr. Speaker .
23 taking my mouth off the bottle , bagpipe
24 Taking its way along the high sad wall confining the stableyard , it crossed , by a minute stone-walled bridge ( gateposts in exact relation to its height and arch were built into the walls tight as ingrowing toe-nails ) , the same stream that hurried down the garden hill .
25 The IRA , will no doubt , argue that it is taking its fight to mainland Britain to let the English feel the war at first hand ; to sicken the English and to cause them to pressurise their government to withdraw from Ireland .
26 CZECHOSLOVAKIA : Taking its cue from East Germany , parliament last week dropped the leading-role clause from the constitution after the growth of public protest .
27 But , taking its cue from the Flowers Report , the industry began to look with renewed vigour for somewhere to get rid of its most troublesome detritus .
28 Having found a group of flowers bearing nectar , it is able , taking its cue from the sun , to fly straight back along a reverse bearing to its hive .
29 Taking its cue from structural linguistics , it will concentrate on the signifiers at the expense of the signifieds .
30 The US being a Fund shareholder and the staff taking its cue from the US , who is the Fund to tell a country to limit its arms expenditure ?
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