Example sentences of "taking their [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Mr and Mrs Gould are now in the Colony ’ proclaimed the Hobart Town Courier , ‘ to which they have come at great expense and sacrifice of comfort , purely with the view of making this work [ Birds of Australia ] still more valuable by taking their drawings from living specimens .
2 Teesdale cattle farmers now face the more expensive journeys of taking their steers to Darlington , Bishop Auckland and Tow Law .
3 Most MTV Hollywood films are just trailers with delusions of grandeur , taking their cues from pop videos and ads in an attempt to accommodate a generation raised on channel hopping and the fast-forward button .
4 Seven student teachers will be taking their examinations on 21st and 28th March — we wish them luck and hope to see them at next Q.T. Day .
5 The concept of clients ' involvement and taking their views into account in service provision is still relatively recent .
6 Using Dement 's analogy , rather than taking their sleep in one meal , subjects may achieve enough to keep going by snatching " snacks " .
7 It was stated that the directors of Britannia Hotels , Mr Michael Morton and Mr Alexander Langsam , had received rises of 98 per cent , taking their pay to more than £4 million each , at a time when their company had made an £8.5 million loss .
8 Thus , eventually , the Kurds were given the ‘ choice ’ of staying in the mountains to continue to die in droves — or taking their chances with Saddam and heading back where they 'd come from .
9 Others have had difficulty in taking their departments with them .
10 They set out towards the west , taking their direction from the sun , but the density of thorn thickets constantly drove them from their line .
11 After a short while he found that the gypsies were taking their horses to him to be shod ; and he had quite a busy time shoeing gypsy horses .
12 But they hasten to point out that many spend them taking their charges to exotic educational destinations .
13 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE , for instance , are taking their Roadshow throughout the country and also organising training camps at Aylesbury and Chinnor under Gary Pearce ; Buckinghamshire are going similarly with their training camps at Thatcham , Windsor and Reading led by Paul Rendall .
14 They trooped down to the studio for the line-up , taking their glasses of brandy with them .
15 However , the Colonel had not waited for this confirmation in writing and issued his certificate on 24 May , so the line opened on 26 May without ceremony , the company taking their pick of the 19 cars stored in Mitcham Road depôt .
16 They 're now considering taking their campaign to the European Court .
17 Many did flee , taking their skills of war with them to Germany , France , Russia , and just about everywhere else .
18 On the other hand , my own feeling would be very much that schools have to prepare children for taking their life in the community and the community is mixed sex , it 's not single sex , so I have a slight aversion to single sex institutions .
19 In place of the chastened , latter-day apostles of Keynes and Beveridge , a new generation of hard-headed spokesmen of free enterprise emerged , taking their cue from the dogmas of the new Prime Minister herself .
20 It was , he felt , just too difficult to be at home at all , with Claudia in a permanently bitchy mood and both his teenage children taking their cue from her and behaving intolerably .
21 Taking their cue from quantum physics , Allen and Starr theorise only about what can be known , not about what ‘ exists ’ .
22 The boldness of Gandhi 's political tactics obscured to a large extent the modesty of his political aspirations , which were very much in line with what moderates , taking their cue from the British , had long set their sights upon : self-government within the empire .
23 UK SHARE prices fell sharply yesterday afternoon , taking their cue from Wall Street , where stocks also slumped heavily as US investors took fright at President Clinton 's threatened tax increases and spending cuts .
24 They pretended he knew Father , and that he was taking their love to him .
25 And lack of adequate child care facilities was one of the main reasons why 15,000 nurses leave the NHS every year , taking their experience with them .
26 Originally this was a track which followed a ridge of higher ground and later became a main route for Welsh drovers taking their cattle to be fattened in Northampton before going on to market in London .
27 This principle was extended to civil servants who had the alternative remedy of taking their complaints to an industrial tribunal .
28 Water companies were required to stop taking their water from tidal ( most polluted ) sources only by the Metropolis Water Act of 1852 .
29 When the time comes to move to a new territory , the nest dissolves and its residents decamp , taking their herds with them ( German Research , 2/91 , pp4–7 ) .
30 And of course John and the two oldest children would n't let them go without taking their turn at the slide .
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