Example sentences of "taking [pron] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Then the crowd shifted around me , thankfully taking me away from their gazes .
2 This was my case , dusted down from Granny 's attic when they were taking me away from the farm .
3 Suddenly , from out of the shadows , a man ran towards my car , yanked open the passenger door and jumped in , taking me completely by surprise .
4 ‘ Hilary 's taking me home on Sunday , ’ said Pickerage , fighting against sleep .
5 I remember you taking me there to lunch when I was small and I threw up in the lift . ’
6 One of my bigger irritations is when I have an enormously tight schedule taking me all over the country and I get calls — sometimes on my mobile phone when I 'm stuck in the middle of a field somewhere — insisting that it 's vitally important I attend a meeting that has just been scheduled for three o'clock that afternoon in London , which could easily have been planned at least two weeks earlier .
7 That might have attracted more women and young readers — but by taking them partly from the Mirror .
8 ‘ Venture capitalists ’ is an appropriate name , because the quest for suitable deals is increasingly taking them away from straightforward MBOs .
9 It has been found that taking them away from the contamination and giving them a healthy diet for a month can boost their damaged immune systems for up to 18 months .
10 But , Debbie was just getting to the stage where she was just to same on the shift , erm , but yes , you need , like , th , the , you get certain people that , they just need the challenge , but then you can find yourself erm , getting into a situation where you 're giving them those extra things to do but you 're taking them away from somebody else , so they 're like just going into the background , you know .
11 right cos then you 're taking them away from the fact that you want other quotes right , they 'll say to you oh we were n't thinking of doing it actually until the winter , right and then you can say to them well let me just say that by placing your order in now we can put your installation in hand , right , basically at today 's prices , right , on an extended delivery , right , and you can still qualify for a special offer , right
12 ‘ Fool ! ’ he uttered lovingly , kissing the fingers and taking them again within his own .
13 They bark and jump around excitedly , becoming particularly frenetic if you stop somewhere else , rather than taking them immediately for a walk .
14 They are potentially very dangerous and what we are worried about is members of the public picking them up and taking them home as souvenirs . ’
15 Bring them home and tell them that you 're taking them home to air .
16 It even seems to be capable of converting the fonts across by rasterising them and taking them across as a bitmap that the film recorder will image as a graphic .
17 They ran away , although this was taking them further into the old town when they had hoped to escape from it .
18 Many miners apprenticed their young sons to the trade taking them underground at 15 , 16 or 17 years of age and paying them their worth , or less .
19 ‘ I think he 's ruining your life , he 's taking you away from your work , from your thinking , toward something empty and false — he 's certainly wasting your time , they both are , they 're exploiting you . ’
20 ‘ I see this taking you away from me .
21 I was still debating between taking you away from him , waiting for it to end anyway , or doing nothing at all — the last because I knew that if your reaction to me was purely physical , I could have you … but probably damage you emotionally . ’
22 His lips were doing wonderful things to one of her ears and she heard him swallow , then rasp , ‘ I 'm taking you upstairs to my room . ’
23 I 'm not taking you home in a stroppy mood Aaron we left home in a a stroppy mood
24 The old man does tell the visitor the story of the woman of Porto Pim ( and his own ) , but there remains something menacing about the silence of the listener-narrator , as though he were taking something away with no intention of giving anything in return .
25 I could name at least three of my friends who would have been prompt to offer this undeniably attractive young man a doss down on the sofa , and one of them who would have already been thinking of taking him upstairs for the night …
26 Instead of taking him straight to hospital , the gatekeeper has him brought up here .
27 The same sort of ‘ business ’ that was taking him away for ten days .
28 Sir Robert Catesby greeted Agrippa warmly , taking him aside for secret consultations whilst ignoring Benjamin and me .
29 Smiling at her brand-new husband she slid her hand into his , taking him somewhat by surprise although he responded instantly and correctly by giving her short , brown fingers a squeeze and then , realizing he could do rather better , raising them to his lips .
30 He was on a train taking him home from a visit to his sister in Vienna .
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