Example sentences of "evidence that [pers pn] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 The evidence that we accumulated proved our common sense approach and revealed the following :
2 Though some of Baldwin 's kinsmen found favour with Charles the Bald , there is no evidence that they formed a consistent political grouping — any more than Robert and his relatives did .
3 Evidence that they had made a sound choice came with the £36 bill for the 6,000 mile service .
4 Four were thought not to have abused their children , but still to be in need of social work intervention , while 16 were considered to have abused their children but there was no unequivocal evidence that they had done so .
5 To both later historians and eleventh century knights it appeared that ‘ truth ’ was intrinsic to the kind of evidence that they had both , in their different ways , been socialised into respecting .
6 Russian advisers had been involved in border incidents but there was no evidence that they had advanced south of the 38th parallel .
7 They were reinstated by the deputy chief constable on the grounds that the investigation by the Police Complaints Authority had produced no evidence that they had removed anything from the Crown Court file .
8 The Rolls drawn up in front of Prince 's Lodge was evidence that they had arrived .
9 The gross statistics of variation do not , of course , tell us exactly when ( or why ) these changes of footing happened , but they do provide evidence that they took place .
10 They 'd just be in their underwear and er it 's er there 's certain evidence that they engaged in what we would call heavy petting nowadays .
11 OPPOSITE PAGE Antimatter particles were predicted before there was any hard evidence that they existed .
12 A number of manors , such as Patching , complained repeatedly that they could not cope with such demands ; there is little evidence that they got any cuts .
13 They seemed to be selective in the evidence that they quoted .
14 It 's very hard to spend months in the archives , reading the papers of the people who spent so much of their lives fighting for this kind of thing , and not I think be rather affected by dedication and by the evidence that they amassed with such enormous difficulty , and by the way they kept coming back and fighting for it over and over again , and the free market argument by comparison lacks that kind of humanity I think .
15 Thus , whilst women who smoke may know that smoking could damage their health , there is no evidence that they experienced smoking as having any immediate impact on their self-perceived strength and fitness .
16 Further off , the Minoans established or developed trading relationships with communities in Messenia , Lakonia , and Argolis on the Greek mainland , as well as Cyprus and Egypt : in these areas , there is no firm evidence that they founded colonies .
17 Officially , 550 species have been formally identified as endangered but an additional 3,600 threatened species have not been listed despite evidence that they required protection .
18 Just as under Mrs Thatcher , the crucial choices were decided in small committees : although there were open discussions at full cabinet meetings during March , there is no evidence that they changed a jot or tittle of the tax .
19 After Egypt was conquered by the Persian king Kambyses in 525 BC the Greeks and Karians lost their old employers ; but it is certain from several pieces of evidence that they stayed on under the new management , as distinct ethnic groups , surviving until and beyond the Macedonian takeover in 331 .
20 They were rejected in Rochdale , and even in Nottingham , where cases of sexual abuse were upheld , and nine parents were found to have been involved in elaborate and organised abuse , there was no evidence that they did this as part of any satanic rituals or worship .
21 For that reason it is our intention to present , for all of our authors , explicit evidence that they did indeed meet the formal diagnostic criteria for psychotic illness , as used by psychiatrists .
22 At most , third-party states , whether aligned with a superpower or non-aligned , could act as a brake on superpower action , though there is no strong evidence that they did so to much effect in the last 40 years .
23 The wife said in evidence that she knew the charge was a security but did not realise it affected her own share in the house .
24 She put them under her raincoat in the basket and looked at the receipt the chemist had handed her from the till ; there was no evidence that she had paid for these items .
25 A woman called Charlotte Culham gave evidence that she had often seen Mrs Dyer with small children , and also seen her with packages that resembled the bodies of small children .
26 Her next door neighbour , a Mrs. Ellen Greaves , gave evidence that she had constantly challenged Esther Dyson in sign language ( which she had learnt through daily contact with the deaf brother and sister ) over the preceding few months about her being in the family way .
27 ‘ The woman had been suffering from radiation sickness , but there was also evidence that she had been tortured . ’
28 She had already been removed to the Intensive Care Unit at the JR2 , but in the bedroom there seemed quite sufficient evidence that she had planned a deliberate departure .
29 The recipient could also give evidence that she recognised the voice or tape recorded the offender .
30 There is no evidence that she married or had children .
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