Example sentences of "act [coord] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 Prosecution for offences under either the 1955 Act or the 1970 Regulations may lead to heavy penalties , and even to the enforced closure of the premises by the Food & Drugs ( Control of Food Premises ) Act 1976 .
2 It could and did reject , revise and remake legislation on the floor of the House ( such as the 1858 India Act or the 1867 Reform Act ) .
3 Neither the 1911 Act nor the 1956 one contained provisions to allow the system of stamps to be short-circuited , so the fact that such short-circuiting eventually became feasible was a tribute to the maturity of the industry .
4 The NZ accounting reforms were part of wider changes in public sector management , introduced by the market-orientated and subsequently deposed Labour government in the 1988 State Sector Act and the 1989 Public Finance Act .
5 Despite Tom King 's claims that there is a fine distinction between the two , both the 1976 Act and the 1989 Act will only produce marginal change .
6 ( The 1980 Education Act and the 1986 Social Security Act each further restricted the supply of free milk . )
7 Resources were obtained from central government under the 1952 Town Development Act and the 1961 Housing Act which subsidized the importation of an over spill population , but these were far less than would have been provided to a designated New Town where all infrastructure costs would have been borne by central government .
8 The 1988 Licensing Act and the 1991 Children and Young Persons ( Protection from Tobacco ) Act have deleted the words ‘ knowingly ’ and ‘ apparently ’ .
9 The 1986 Act and the 1988 Education Act have also given governors more power over schools than previously .
10 Both the 1986 Education ( No. 2 ) Act and the 1988 Act changed the attitudes of governors as well as their ways of working .
11 In America , the 1974 Runaway Youth Act and the 1977 Runaway and Homeless Youth Program provided funds for community-based short-term shelters , food and clothing , and a national runaway switchboard .
12 Moreover , there are well established structures for dealing with work hazards , following the 1974 Health and Safety at Work Act and the 1978 Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations .
13 Further changes , in the 1898 Vagrancy Act and the 1912 Criminal Law Amendment Act , underlined the new legislative involvement with prostitution and homosexuality .
14 Following this Mental Health ( Amendment ) Act in 1982 , a further Mental Health Act was passed in 1983 to bring together , in one statute , the 1959 Act and the 1982 amendment .
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