Example sentences of "sense that [pers pn] [be] " in BNC.

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1 For example , breast milk is sweet and salty , so it makes sense that we 're born liking these tastes .
2 But in the sense that we 're in the Common Market now , I see the whole current situation as anachronistic , rooted in 19th century thought .
3 And in that act we believe that in a spiritual sense that we are lifted up .
4 Well this year 's capital expenditure will be around twenty five million and last year 's figure was twenty three million the point I was making in the speech was that twenty three million included nine million pounds for the , we must have some static in our nine million pounds for the purchase of freeholds , erm but the capital expenditure this year is spread right across the operation includes introduction of erm re-fits in a number of stores includes expansion in France , investment in systems and hardware and indeed also includes ah about five million pounds for a retail park development which I also referred to the park development on which we have an interest in the sense that we are developing an M F I store .
5 Having said all that , I think the interest erm of history lies in exactly the same kind of area as interest in the future , in the sense that we are dealing erm as historians with time , and , to use the old cliché , time marches on , it certainly moves , and the future , the present and the past do form some kind of continuum .
6 Here for the first time he found something of what the pilgrim on his bicycle had sought : ‘ the sense of mystery , and awe , and of another world at once far and near … a sense that we were vividly in the presence of the passion of Jesus and also vividly near to heaven , to which the passion mysteriously belonged , so as to be brought from the past to the present ’ .
7 Ondyne makes more conventional UPSs in the sense that they 're cable-connected boxes sited next to , rather than inside , your PC .
8 I mean , in fact , what , what er , what Freud found , he says is sometimes , you get erm , this is in fact a kind of continuing from conscious and unconscious , and there 's a big gradation in between , and very often erm , things are erm , unconscious , not in the sense that they 're totally lost , and you are unaware of them , but for example , they 're , they 're isolated .
9 And meanwhile we 'll keep going you know and er and do what we have to do which is to make sure that when they get dow when they get round to that table sitting down that well certainly the the quarry men are not gon na be hungry if if you know what I mean I mean they they gon na sit there with full bellies in a sense that they 're not gon na be starved back and I mean th that sounds rather dramatic and a cliched but I mean when you 're living on the bread line and expecting money from week to week I mean that 's what it 's all about is n't it you know and and the food parcel .
10 I mean yes of course we should live harmoniously together er who would y'know , sector of those people who have taken advantage of the right to buy and and so on and so forth but we talking about housing management in about housing management costs and if you have an estate of y'know being repaired similar houses which a lot of our estates are , it makes sense that they 're managed as it were centrally er and because that 's the most efficient way of doing it erm if you have a variety of different landlords in er one estate or one street and all the houses are similar , when it comes to things like modernisation and so forth it it 's duplicated a great deal of er er er of work and it is not cost efficient and it does n't make any common sense at all .
11 The All Blacks are searching for perfection on the pitch and the physical strength and skill of their forwards leaves you with the sense that they are not far from attaining that dream .
12 In 1930 , Helene Deutsch described the syndrome of frigidity t-n a significant group of her patients , women who are ‘ psychically healthy ’ , yet for whom the concept of orgasm was completely alien : ‘ In intercourse they experience a happy and tender sense that they are giving keen pleasure , convinced that coitus is of importance only to the man .
13 IN THE past few years the laws forbidding the sale of alcohol to teenagers have been weakened , in the sense that they are neither as just nor as realistic as they were .
14 Miraculous , none the less , in the sense that they are so remarkable .
15 Moral rules are foundational in the sense that they are concerned with the maintenance of , for instance , trust , mutual help and justice in human relationships .
16 An article in the Evening News of 1954 suggested that ‘ Teddy Boys … are all of unsound mind in the sense that they are all suffering from a form of psychosis .
17 Incomers are ‘ mercenary ’ not least in the sense that they are thought to use Shetland land to line their own pockets .
18 Although true , in the sense that they are not in error , the latter are not the whole truth and this is their problem .
19 Certain moral considerations are involved in his actions , yet they are not absolute in the sense that they are an infallible guide to conduct , or constitute a rule for which there can be no exception .
20 They are dynamic in the sense that they are a source of energy for later behaviour .
21 They are both transmittable and accumulative , and they are cultural in the sense that they are transmitted by the society , not by the genes ’ ( Nida 1954:28 ) .
22 kinship systems are not analogous to language in the sense that they are not meaningful systems through which messages or communications are exchanged .
23 The original people are ancestors of the Chewong in so far as they represent the mythical past , but not in the sense that they are transformed dead of today .
24 The following are not income , in the sense that they are more likely to be ‘ one off ’ rather than regular payments .
25 Certain meanings are privileged , in the sense that they are more likely interpretations , given the context of the existing social and cultural codes .
26 This phrase is crucially ambivalent between the idea that they are constant because they are necessary and the idea they are necessary only in the tenuous sense that they are reliable because constant .
27 If it is the best that they can do , then their actions are skilful in the sense that they are produced in milliseconds , and that they are spontaneous , automatic , and unrehearsed .
28 ‘ All three of these witnesses are , it is fair to say without intending any disrespect to them , not educated persons in the sense that they are persons who would have had any experience of judging mental ability .
29 For , if in variable ways , the new technologies of cinema , sound broadcasting , sound discs and cassettes , television , video cassettes and tape recorders all embody systems of access which are direct at least in the sense that they are culturally available within normal social development , without any form of selective cultural training .
30 But differences between dialects in underlying semantic structure are real enough , in the sense that they are sometimes reflected in speaker behaviour by cross-dialectal miscommunications and communicative breakdowns ( Labov 1972d : 63 ; L. Milroy 1984 ) .
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