Example sentences of "sense of [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No sense of gratitude for all I 've done for you , utterly graceless , and an extra mouth to feed . "
2 She stared back at him , unable to speak , terrified of betraying the slightest clue that might jolt his memory , but conscious of a heartfelt sense of gratitude for the fever that had kept her so busy during the morning hours .
3 Perhaps he had no intention of making love to her again but had merely invited ] her round for a meal and a couple of hours of music and conversation , out of a sense of gratitude for her loyalty and her repeated assurances that she believed in his innocence .
4 Ramsey felt no sense of gratitude to anyone who moved him out of Durham .
5 John Hill had queried Miller 's description and had published his views in Eden , or a Complete Body of Gardening ( 1759 ) and Justice retaliated in his British Gardener 's Calendar ( 1759 ) : ‘ I thought it my indispensable duty to give Mr. Miller his due , both from a love of truth and from a sense of gratitude to him for his public labours , as well as private friendship . ’
6 BISHOP JOHN CROWLEY writes of Bishop Harris : With everyone else I share a sense of gratitude to him for all that he has given to the church at both a diocesan and a national level during his 14 years as bishop here .
7 With everyone else I share a sense of gratitude to him for all that he has given to the church at both a diocesan and a national level during his 14 years as bishop here .
8 The laird , however , would have a short memory indeed if he did not feel a deep sense of gratitude to the man who could remove the spectre of this large indigent family becoming a charge upon his estate .
9 ‘ We would also like to record publicly our overwhelming sense of gratitude to all the hospital staff who did so much to save Jo 's life , skilfully repair the dreadful injuries and to effect a good measure of rehabilitation .
10 Well , blind humans sometimes seem to have an uncanny sense of obstacles in their path .
11 Far more than incipient political change , it is the random violence that makes for the sense of dread among whites .
12 The sense of dread within her grew alarmingly .
13 It is still with a sense of amazement at the flights of human inanity that Ruth Michaelis relates the experience of her brother Martin , who found himself in serious trouble with his foster family :
14 It is understandable that the previous isolation of the disease results in a sense of amazement in early recovery on the discovery that other people have not only shared similar experiences but also similar thoughts and feelings .
15 ‘ Creative ’ is an over-used word nowadays , not easy to define : The ‘ taste ’ of creative effort is sometimes a sense of at-oneness with the project , as though you and your task are sharing the same living energy .
16 The sense of panic about over-population that had swept across England in the late sixteenth century , and had made emigration look like the answer to problems of poverty and disorder , had died down and there were even suggestions that a substantial population helped economic expansion .
17 An exhalation of irritation , a sense of panic in the man who was trained to recognise , to intuit , the signs of danger , the signals of need …
18 They have got to pin down the Turks for five-minute periods , which will exaggerate the sense of panic in their back four .
19 The act of producing the video helps to impart courage , self-confidence and a sense of interdependence to the group and encourage them to focus on a clear articulation of their situation .
20 It is without emotion but conveys a sense of reverence for order and serenity .
21 In his speech to the Scottish County Surveyors ' Society , the Prince called on road engineers to continue their great tradition by building with ‘ sensitivity and even a sense of reverence in the countryside ’ .
22 The further question arises now of how the teacher brings together ( say ) history and art ( or mathematics , or music , or science ) in practical ways which really help the learner to achieve a genuine sense of coherence across the subjects .
23 When one watches Brian Way teach a class of children , as I have had the privilege to do , one has a strong sense of coherence in theory and practice , but what people take from a theoretical book can often be a distortion of what was actually intended by the author .
24 Exactly similar inferences can be made in cases like example ( 18 ) , and it is clear that such inferences are fundamental to our sense of coherence in discourse : if the implicatures were not constructed on the basis of the assumption of relevance , many adjacent utterances in conversation would appear quite unconnected .
25 Despite himself , he felt an overwhelming sense of aversion towards the young man who stood before him .
26 Consequently , there is a constant sense of unreality about much of the policy discussion and a continued credibility gap between academic theory about drugs and the reality of drug use .
27 All such experiences induce a sense of unreality in the employee .
28 He was aware of a slow feeling of triumph , a sense of release as if he had just won some physical competition ; without the fear there would n't have been this strange sense of excitement and content .
29 Mungo could not explain why but he felt a sense of release at being out of the village , if only for a short time .
30 THERE is a sense of release about December 's stars , perhaps a feeling that the worst is behind you or because you are launching into new territory .
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