Example sentences of "seems to be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 This is a difficult story to understand because Jesus seems to be acting out of character .
2 Iago seems to be acting wholly for the others ' good , since , as he challenges us to deny , ‘ this advice I give is free and honest .
3 It is rather sad to note that the main objective of these Committees these days seems to be enforcing petty rules and regulations whereby , possibly by accident , a secretary may have incorrectly banked a cheque in the office account rather than the client 's account .
4 The key seems to be shaping it to the particular client .
5 As will be seen , the word ‘ prejudice ’ is used to protect the sort of biased discourse about other groups , which ostensibly it seems to be criticizing .
6 In the next step of the argument , he then said , well , religion is a transference , and therefore a form of infantilism , so now he seems to be criticizing religion , but if he 's criti criticizing religion by saying it 's an illusion , surely he 's jeopardizing civilization , because the danger , as he points out in the book , if you take religion away from people , you say , look , this is just an illusion , God does n't exist .
7 Here we return to property again , since what Marx seems to be stressing above all , in his discussion of other systems , is that , without the particular formulation of private property which dominates capitalist institutions , an ordered life is still possible .
8 Although support for his party seems to be stagnating and may even be on the decline , it still has an important following , mainly among the poorer working and artisan classes and the retired .
9 The main measures of consumer optimism have recently turned up , and spending seems to be reviving .
10 In Amy Raphael 's article ‘ Phish Heads ’ ( FACE 47 ) she stated , ‘ No one seems to be smoking , although the smell of dope occasionally drifts by . ’
11 The White House seems to be counting on this .
12 Everyone around me seems to be firing their weapons .
13 Andy seems to be assuming he 'll be providing all the booze for the party , so I gather he 's not quite as skint as I 've heard .
14 He seems to be living in the Department of Education .
15 He seems to be living in the Department of Education .
16 He seems to be living alone in one of the little houses in St Basil 's Terrace . ’
17 Thus the Globigerina ooze on the floor of the Indian Ocean seems to be accumulating at between a and I centimetre per thousand years .
18 Most of the sediment in fact seems to be accumulating close inshore and very little gets to the outer shelf or the deeps .
19 As this self is debated and discussed , the individualist sometimes seems to be demanding that a ceteris paribus clause should be included in all explanations of social phenomena — a murmured oath of loyalty to the freedom of the will along the lines of ‘ … and the individuals involved could have done otherwise ’ .
20 Their weight is a good guide to the water content , and if the plant seems to be demanding water constantly and wilting frequently , then a thorough soaking is probably necessary , in a bucket of water or with a sprinkler left on .
21 Everybody else seems to be cheering .
22 We wonder whether this has anything to do with an ‘ upgradeable ’ machine DEC seems to be using where you could yank out the 80486 and substitute a P5 .
23 If the sonar device is measuring the distance of targets by measuring the duration of silence between the emission of a sound and its returning echo — the method which Rousettus , indeed , seems to be using — the sounds would seem to have to be very brief , staccato pulses .
24 A musician can fool himself and say , ‘ Yeah , I 'm doing great because I 'm getting all these write-ups and my career seems to be looking good , ’ but what it boils down to is what you 're actually doing — whether or not you 're breaking any new ground in music .
25 From what I 've seen and heard , Graham seems to be looking to a big man with the ball aimed for the sky .
26 But the Sunday Times seems to be looking for a figurehead for the post , with real work being done in the back room , by the likes of Harry Ritchie , Walsh 's deputy , who in the view of many in the book business would make an excellent lit ed for the paper .
27 It seems to be looking straight at me , its knuckled legs poised , tense , waiting I know for one false move from me to trigger it into an electrifying spring … straight at me .
28 The outlook for Morton Newspapers , the province 's biggest weekly newspaper chain seems to be looking up and they are optimistic about the future .
29 As the budget looms , the chancellor seems to be looking again at the feasibility of raising money for the government , by ending the tax relief on mortgages of up to thirty thousand pounds .
30 No she seems to be looking forward
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