Example sentences of "seems [prep] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She comments , ‘ Life seems like being on a perpetual moving merry-go-round but I love every minute of it . ’
2 Whatever the cause , though , it seems to be of fundamental importance .
3 ‘ This seems to be of interest , sir , ’ he said .
4 I ca n't imagine I would try and scramble up over rocks using my nose , but the use of hands in the mountaineering hierarchy seems to be of prime importance .
5 In addition to the figures tabulated , a total of some 100–200 birds is usually recorded each winter on other ponds , and the present wintering population of Sussex seems to be of the order of 1,000–2,000 birds .
6 The size of the mare too seems to be of little importance , and mules are much more alike than their parents might seem to suggest .
7 The ecological factors responsible are largely unexplored , but the availability of plants to provide seeds seems to be of prime importance .
8 Consumption by elderly people seems to be of three sorts :
9 What seems to be of more use to people are specific things they can do to help them achieve these states .
10 It was found in a Late Helladic IIIA context , dating to 1400–1300 BC , yet it seems to be of Minoan workmanship or inspiration ; it may well have been brought to the mainland by proud Mycenean conquerors as booty .
11 The only sound seems to be of steel shutters coming down — even though , as far as I can see , all the shutters are down already .
12 This last argument seems to be of little use against the solipsist , who is not interested in communication with others .
13 Adorno 's preferred picture for music listeners seems to be of inert , private critical spirits , without bodies , without vocal sensuality .
14 So the notion of individual deterrence seems to be of little value in justifying our penal practices .
15 The continued marketing of products of dubious provenance , dubious efficacy , and dubious quality could bring discredit to a new approach to stopping smoking that seems to be of great potential benefit .
16 In The Act of Reading , Wolfgang Iser argues that the literary work should be understood as a means of communication rather than as a representation of the world : ‘ It is a vital feature of literary texts that they do not lose their ability to communicate ; indeed , many of them can still speak even when their message has long since passed into history and their meaning no longer seems to be of importance ’ ( 1978:13 ) .
17 Even though information was not collected from women who were 45 years old or over , the pregnancy wastage in the older childbearing ages for which data were obtained seems to be of devastating proportions .
18 In the literature a " simple " material is referred to as one in which the stress depends only on the history of the deformation gradients F ( dependence on higher-order gradients has been considered but at present seems to be of little practical value ) .
19 Sometimes , as at Staneydale , such a landscape seems to be of one period ; elsewhere several other areas of activity can be detected .
20 Therefore the relation between the ICAM-1 expression and the clinical course seems to be of diagnostic interest for colonic carcinoma .
21 What seems to be of primary importance is the gentleness not only of the scene , but of the forces that surround the child , and himself .
22 We believe that these findings suggest that osmolality is the key determinant of water absorption in both normal and secreting intestine and that it seems to be of particular importance in the secretory state .
23 It is within reach of the stage 's edge and seems to be of medium length , not an elongated canne .
24 The guilloche of the outer border also seems to be of thicker strands than the three-strand guilloche of the latter .
25 The Longhorn 's main role at present seems to be as a suckler dam or terminal sire and their popularity among commercial farmers is noticeably on the increase .
26 But anyway whether that 's true or not the this was a s s seems to be as a result of
27 Grown-up critics manage to deny its appeal ( probably the very same priapic excitement they derived from rock in their unreconstructed youth ) because it seems to be at odds with their sexual politics .
28 I would have the gearbox checked out as it seems to be at fault .
29 He seems to be at ease with you , more than with anyone else .
30 Take advice urgently if your intended course of action seems to be at all risky .
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