Example sentences of "gave us an [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You see the i it was er we used to make curtains then for Littlewoods , Littlewoods as it is now , they 're still , you know , the they were about the forerunners of the er tt this er catalogue business , and if they gave us an order that would last us a long time , and that usually the eight points , which was meant to say there were eight threads to an inch .
2 This gave us an overall playing record of four wins out of six matches played , with one defeat and one match abandoned .
3 That gave us an IAS of 135 kts which trued out at 141 kts .
4 Television had brought golf to the working class and for just a moment television gave us an idea of what it meant to them .
5 Therefore it gave us an idea what it was like in the working world .
6 That gave us an opportunity to meet people from other parts of the diocese and actually to find out that we really are one family !
7 A screening programme for high blood pressure and related risks , begun in 1968 and sustained for 21 years in a defined community , gave us an opportunity to study long term management of high blood pressure in young adults in a social context , with data collected prospectively on originally unsuspected associations .
8 The cold was intense , but I welcomed it because it gave us an excuse to lie close together for warmth .
9 She gave us an IOU for three million pounds and told us to get lost .
10 Erm I 'm not saying that er there were n't problems in security and using public transport and fear of using public transport after dark , but we were quite surprised that compared with the rest of the U K it was erm not acceptable but it gave us an indication on , on where to go from there on , erm and also I think er the important factor that in the lower in Strathclyde that we 've actually consulted women in terms of er what they want and what they need er in the transport world erm in public transport and that 's not lip service we 've actually had discussions groups and that information has been fed into the large erm public transport review that were undertaking at the present time .
11 ‘ He gave us an indication with regard to certain astrological things that are going on … if these things came to pass , we 're talking in terms of days . ’
12 The green sweep of the wooded hills on Morven and Mull gave us an impression of verdant lushness after the naked rock and brown moors of the Outer Isles .
13 They gave us an apple each .
14 That gave us an overview
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