Example sentences of "gave them a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Parliament did not often pass laws with any wide-ranging implications , and the most wide-ranging recent laws , the religious legislation of the Reformation , were never applied at all precisely in America , but no legal framework could have been imagined for the colonies which gave them a legitimate position under English law without putting them under the legislative supremacy of Parliament .
2 I said to them it was placing the team and the ARFU in a terrible situation and I gave them a 5.30 pm deadline otherwise the tour was off .
3 Some Arabs in a tent gave them a little water and then the exhausted men finally stumbled into an outpost of the King 's Dragoon Guards .
4 They were er anybody that knows about moleskin , and there very heavy material er and apart from being hard-wearing , I suppose they , in the winter time , they gave them a wee bit of warmth in their legs etcetera .
5 Well , in my book nothing comes before football and so I gave them a simple ultimatum : ‘ Make your choice .
6 The easiest part of the scheme was the raising of the six companies of 70–110 men each , increased in 1739 to ten , and as a concession to national sentiment the new units were allowed to wear the kilt ; its dark tartan , of blue , green and black , soon gave them a distinctive name : the Black Watch .
7 In due course , all South Metropolitan cars were fitted with these hoops , which gave them a distinctive appearance .
8 But their education and employment , whether in the bureaucracy or the tertiary sector , gave them a distinctive ‘ technocratic , managerial outlook ’ .
9 I gave them a bogus address but they did n't check it out .
10 The bookmakers , showing unusual generosity , gave them a 44-point advantage on the handicap betting list .
11 Frau Nordern gave them a contemptuous glance and the Sergeant coughed .
12 She gave them a warm smile .
13 The Salesian Sisters , who were their hostesses for the weekend , gave them a warm and friendly welcome , and the retreatants quickly settled down in the beautiful house .
14 England captains must not do things like that , but they had not been able to sack him at the time because of the provocation he had been under ; now that he had stepped out of line again he gave them a heaven-sent opportunity to administer the axe .
15 He took conservative ideas on privatisation and land reform , gave them a populist anti-government bent and managed to woo over many poorer voters - especially in northern Mexico — who previously feared that the PAN represented only business interests .
16 Their total of 116 gave them a two-shot win over Mardy MacDonald and daughter Fiona Edmond .
17 Last time they met , Craig Maskell gave them a 1-0 win on a plate .
18 Depending on how influential people were , Mickey either nodded at them or gave them a hearty greeting .
19 It gave them a new sense of opening opportunity , a new reason for raising standards and expectations , new cause to doubt the wisdom of a system which excluded many children from the chance of a full academic education from the age of eleven , and a new hope .
20 This meant that people were no longer willing to put up with unsatisfactory Church officials ; laymen especially were developing a personal spirituality which gave them a new confidence and commitment to their faith and which also enabled them to form an independent view of theology and Church organisation ; they no longer had to rely on the educated establishment .
21 Most people are accustomed to follow linguistic rules more or less slavishly , but in this case they would be glad to change if only someone gave them a new set of clear rules to follow ( an earlier work by Miller and Swift was subtitled ‘ New Language in New Times ’ : it seems they take the optimistic view that we are living in a postfeminist world ) .
22 This gave them a new experience of evaporation , as well as time to draw on their prior experiences .
23 I hung the carpets out and gave them a good beating . ’
24 The folk at Fanmore gave them a good fight last week , and drove them off with five men dead , and they 've not been seen since .
25 The police at Castlereagh allocated a cell to each man and gave them a good meal .
26 I was scared of them but I was n't going to let them get away so I gave them a good run for their money .
27 GHI verdict : Our testers , heavy with cold , found that the vaporiser gave them a good night 's sleep ; even their husbands/partners slept better .
28 So their own minister held a service at the station , and the agent gave them a good dinner cheering them on in Gaelic , at which they wept , and they went on to settle at Moosomin , where they lived happily ever afterwards .
29 I gave them a good show , with my writhings and moanings .
30 So I asked them in the lodge like do n't do any damage and Tom was in e he gave them a good lecture so and the lads in the lodge said , Well look you tell them as well not to do this attitude and perhaps you 've seen it on these flumes when they saw a crowd that was there they were changing gear with the Land Rover and through you know like anybody in the way you 'd be underneath .
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